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  1. LupusVir

    Mitsudomoe - Vol. 6 Ch. 115.2 - The Triplets' Past and Present Story

    The rich girl's mom reminds me of Yamada from Norio's other big series.
  2. LupusVir

    Mitsudomoe - Vol. 6 Ch. 112 - Beneath the Same Sky's Bottom

    Where is his butt hair? He's super hairy but no butt hair? Sus.
  3. LupusVir

    Mitsudomoe - Vol. 6 Ch. 101 - Fatstic Four: Crisis of the Galaxy

    Mitsuba is truly the worst. She won't hesitate for even a second to throw someone under the bus.
  4. LupusVir

    Mitsudomoe - Vol. 5 Ch. 96 - The Battle You Don't Know

    On the bright side, it does seem like Mitsuba got to go as well.
  5. LupusVir

    Mitsudomoe - Vol. 5 Ch. 94 - Fukubiki Unbalance

    Even when she's trying to be good it comes back to bite her. Although she could have just said from the beginning that her sisters seemed to want to go more than her so they could just go together.
  6. LupusVir

    Mitsudomoe - Vol. 5 Ch. 85 - Sayonara, Tetsubou-Sensei

    Man, I love eyebrows girl. She's so sweet, and reminds me of Mugi from K-On. This dude is such an asshole
  7. LupusVir

    Mitsudomoe - Vol. 5 Ch. 82 - Chojo and Chocolate Blues Factory

    Is the bandaid from when she peeled her finger a few chapters ago?
  8. LupusVir

    Mitsudomoe - Vol. 4 Ch. 78 - And then, the Boob Moved

    Feel bad for Futaba in this one. Teacher should have known better.
  9. LupusVir

    Mitsudomoe - Vol. 4 Ch. 62 - Junior

    Common Mitsuba L. Self-inflicted as usual
  10. LupusVir

    Mitsudomoe - Vol. 4 Ch. 61 - And So, It Appears

    Damn, lady. It's just some panties.
  11. LupusVir

    Mitsudomoe - Vol. 3 Ch. 54 - An Hour for Papa and Daughter

    This is why Futaba is the best.
  12. LupusVir

    Mitsudomoe - Vol. 3 Ch. 51 - Questionable Centimeters

    Both of them should avoid calling the other flat... Neither one's bigger enough than the other to not also be considered flat.
  13. LupusVir

    Mitsudomoe - Vol. 3 Ch. 48 - I SAW

    I'm glad this was consistent and the nurse kept her long-range instant bandaging skill she got in that one chapter.
  14. LupusVir

    Mitsudomoe - Vol. 3 Ch. 46 - Love Monday

    Idk about you but I've had mine for years.
  15. LupusVir

    Mitsudomoe - Vol. 2 Ch. 22 - The Sutra Doctor's Clinic

    Whenever the nurse thinks he's being a pervert, she notably does not report him and instead listens intently while blushing. Interesting.
  16. LupusVir

    Mitsudomoe - Vol. 1 Ch. 17 - A Clear Path

    I always knew Futaba was secretly feral. But it's still fun to see.