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  1. DeadlyShadow0

    Juujika no Rokunin - Ch. 152 - I Got Carried Away

    Yep, but it kind of confirms... well more of a belief that she is not the azuma we know or else we would had seen the moment of her "life flashed in her eyes" so there's still hope that the one dead was one of the brainwashed girls with plastic surgery done to fool us all...
  2. DeadlyShadow0

    Juujika no Rokunin - Ch. 152 - I Got Carried Away

    Well I agree with you on that but still it's not a bad read, but yeah the inconsistencies make it unbearable...
  3. DeadlyShadow0

    Juujika no Rokunin - Ch. 152 - I Got Carried Away

    Dude, what the hell do you smoke to get to that high? because I want some of that too...
  4. DeadlyShadow0

    Juujika no Rokunin - Ch. 152 - I Got Carried Away

    i am on the same boat i think that it was a trap to broke the MC, but sadly the author has already done some bad twists for the readers, i really hope that Azuma was one the girls that were brainwashed and gave her face, but now it's clear that the brainwashed girl (the one that in the past was...
  5. DeadlyShadow0

    Majo to Kishi wa Iki nokoru - Vol. 2 Ch. 13 - In Order to Earn Forgiveness

    Wow, I didn't knew I was in the presence of a former "grammar n4z1" (and one of the highest rank it seems:unsure:, I thought you guys went extinct); now it makes all the more sense about those stupid complaints (how quaint:giggle:). If you really care for that... then let me tell you that you...
  6. DeadlyShadow0

    Majo to Kishi wa Iki nokoru - Vol. 2 Ch. 13 - In Order to Earn Forgiveness

    Will people finish the work? the raws suggest at least 3 more chapters
  7. DeadlyShadow0

    Majo to Kishi wa Iki nokoru - Vol. 2 Ch. 13 - In Order to Earn Forgiveness

    We are so close to the end... We have at least 3 more chapters i don't really mind the translating as there's a lot of works that never got the chance so i thank the ones doing the work even if it sounds weird i understand how hard it actually is to translate works and for it to make sense in a...
  8. DeadlyShadow0

    NTREVENGE - Ch. 12

    One question is there a novel or something because people seems to know things before, so if that's the case could you please spoil me (just remember to hide the text) i don't mind the spoilers but some people geez make a lot of issues for that... Anyway i prefer to know things and save myself...
  9. DeadlyShadow0

    Majo to Kishi wa Iki nokoru - Vol. 2 Ch. 13 - In Order to Earn Forgiveness

    Hey! before u complain like a little turd, be glad that there's someone translating this manga as much as he can, because there's no one who will do it... Or even better you do it.
  10. DeadlyShadow0

    NTREVENGE - Ch. 12

    And to add on things... how dumb does he have to be to not notice the number on his back... 🤤 This really needs the sticker for sleep or Zzz... Each chapter that passes the mc is getting dumber, and i feel my brain cells dying when reading this(hiw in hell is this the same author)... I really...
  11. DeadlyShadow0

    Groundless - Vol. 8 Ch. 32 - Unseen Shackles

    It's sad that it takes such a long time between chapters but at least it's going
  12. DeadlyShadow0

    The Sobbing Clerk I Helped From the Convenience Store’s Robbery Is in Fact a Naive and Cute Gal From My Class - Vol. 2 Ch. 7.1

    I don't understand... Now that we know how that girl deals with her problems, why go ahead and do it all again so can she suffer some more when she remember everything again an then forget everything "again"... There is no way that this is gonna end well... Not in real life and hardly in a...
  13. DeadlyShadow0

    Virgin Knight: I Became the Frontier Lord in a World Ruled by Women - Vol. 2 Ch. 6 - Noblesse Oblige

    Yeah mostly because of the waiting in-between chapters i really hope is not the case... But people forget the story if it's takes that long... And that's what kills it unless you are really invested into the story... Like most of us. But people wants things fast and with good quality...
  14. DeadlyShadow0

    Virgin Knight: I Became the Frontier Lord in a World Ruled by Women - Vol. 2 Ch. 6 - Noblesse Oblige

    Not yet...remember she is still a kid, the same happened to her older sis... Thank god for the genes as most of the time they won't let you down. "I am but a simple man who likes investing in the future" 🧐
  15. DeadlyShadow0

    Virgin Knight: I Became the Frontier Lord in a World Ruled by Women - Vol. 2 Ch. 6 - Noblesse Oblige

    Well it explains why the details on the body were soo... Well delish 👌🏻🙏 but now it seemed rushed... I hope they didn't changed the artist... But it would be more manageable with more guys doing it rigth? But that would mean less salary... So... Less quality/motivation😑
  16. DeadlyShadow0

    Virgin Knight: I Became the Frontier Lord in a World Ruled by Women - Vol. 2 Ch. 6 - Noblesse Oblige

    A fellow who understands my troubles... Yeah indeed people nowadays complains about quality but those are the ones who don't understand the really bad pressure of the artists to keep up
  17. DeadlyShadow0

    Virgin Knight: I Became the Frontier Lord in a World Ruled by Women - Vol. 2 Ch. 6 - Noblesse Oblige

    As long as it doesn't get axed i don't mind, there are good stories out there that have bad artist or the writer himself doesn't have the fund to have an artist so he does it (like one), as i have seen bad stories have good drawings... I prefer the first... And yeah it seems like he rushed to...
  18. DeadlyShadow0

    Uso-Bitch Senpai - Vol. 3 Ch. 30 - Senpai and the Naughty Girl

    Thanks for the closure your sacrifice won't be forgotten, and much like me are very happy for this maybe it's not the ending we wanted but at least it wasn't like some that just got axed like that without any kind of ending
  19. DeadlyShadow0

    Heterogeneous Linguistics - Ch. 46

    I will hang you if You don't... Susuki is the heart of this series she is in all the wholesome moments and i think she has a big crush on the professor... I don't think something will happen, but the prof. Much like us as well will be damned if he doesn't do something to help her... My guess...