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  1. Fairin

    Send My Regards to Kenshiro - Vol. 2 Ch. 16 - You're Already Stiff

    The whole chapter for one fucking word 11/10 this manga is fucking amazing lmfao
  2. Fairin

    Send My Regards to Kenshiro - Vol. 2 Ch. 14 - Have you ever felt your Cosmo?

  3. Fairin

    Senpai ga Uzai Kouhai no Hanashi - Vol. 7 Ch. 124

    I'm cheering you on, young Shota. May you reach the Ara Ara beyond the heavens
  4. Fairin

    Soredemo Ayumu wa Yosetekuru - Vol. 4 Ch. 49 - The 49th move

    the difference in power level is not even close
  5. Fairin

    The Story Between a Dumb Prefect and a High School Girl with an Inappropriate Skirt Length - Vol. 5 Ch. 22 - The Story About the Dumb Prefect Staying…

    Sakura-Daimon! Be a Man Among Men! But great chapter tho I love that he's slowly beginning to realize and loosen up his personality. The progress is great
  6. Fairin

    Ikenai Kanojo no Otetsudai - Vol. 3 Ch. 29 - Rinko-san's Gone

    Good final chapter for such an abrupt ending. Real sad such a great manga ended so soon though. 10/10 would go for the girl with two upper mouths and one lower mouth.
  7. Fairin

    D-Frag! - Vol. 16 Ch. 126

    @Mordenheim I gotta simp here and say I'm on team big mommy milkers. Anyways, thanks for translating again! ~ See you in the next chapter, Baby ~
  8. Fairin

    D-Frag! - Vol. 15 Ch. 125.1 - Omake - When Takao Was Still Living With Kazama

    Thanks so much for the translation! See you later gamer
  9. Fairin

    D-Frag! - Vol. 15 Ch. 125 - Summer of my Youth

    Thanks so much for translating man! We appreciate it alot. Definitely looking forward to Volume 16.
  10. Fairin

    D-Frag! - Vol. 15 Ch. 124 - Even Though It's This Kind of Club

    Thanks for the translation!
  11. Fairin

    D-Frag! - Vol. 15 Ch. 123 - My Room

    Thanks for the translation!
  12. Fairin

    D-Frag! - Vol. 15 Ch. 123

    Thanks for the scanlation!
  13. Fairin

    Horimiya - Vol. 16 Ch. 119 - Heels

    I love just how cozy it is to see Hori and Miyamura so close to each other's families
  14. Fairin

    Senpai ga Uzai Kouhai no Hanashi - Vol. 6 Ch. 123

    @kyonichisama Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Even if we all think of it, do not speak those cursed words here
  15. Fairin

    Tedama ni Toritai Kurokiya-san - Vol. 2 Ch. 9.5 - I want to take it off

    Lmao this was hilarious. Thanks again for the translation!
  16. Fairin

    Pansuto - Vol. 4 Ch. 26 - It's time to go shopping!

    I kinda want him to end up with Akari, but Sensei also......... idk man now I'm confused
  17. Fairin

    Neko no Otera no Chion-san - Vol. 6 Ch. 48 - Going Shopping and Indirect Chion

    Dammit. I know Chion is like the "ara ara nee-san" type and is top-tier waifu, but Hiruma is such a great character. I don't want to see her sad.
  18. Fairin

    D-Frag! - Vol. 15 Ch. 122 - (Low Quality MTL)

    HOLY SHITTTTTTTTTTTTTTT Just when you thought things couldn't get crazier than Roka's family, we have Takao's family. Takao x Kazuma best ship but oh man idk how he'll get out of this one.
  19. Fairin

    Hokkaido Gals Are Super Adorable! - Vol. 4 Ch. 33

    Honestly this is kinda annoying. The author kinda duped us into thinking that the ship would finally sail and now he's bringing conflict back even though it was basically resolved. I don't wanna see the gamer goth waifu get depressed again lol. Also I don't want a shark teeth tan athlete waifu...