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  1. Fairin

    That's My Atypical Girl - Vol. 1 Ch. 7 - Flashback

    @BCS idk. At least from what I know personally, sometimes when you're in a state of depression or just extreme disdain for your life circumstances, nothing really fazes you much. It's kinda like, well nothing really interests me, but this thing/person is really strange and new and I kind of want...
  2. Fairin

    Love is Still Too Early for Himeno-chan - Vol. 3 Ch. 21

    He's so fucking confused in the last panel I'm weak
  3. Fairin

    Himeno-chan ni Koi wa Mada Hayai - Vol. 2 Ch. 19

    @GravityTaxes lmao that fucking panel killed me. best fireworks chapter ever
  4. Fairin

    Himeno-chan ni Koi wa Mada Hayai - Vol. 1 Ch. 7

    Bro the sensei looking like a snack ngl
  5. Fairin

    Himeno-chan ni Koi wa Mada Hayai - Vol. 1 Ch. 6

    This shit be so cute man im a grown ass man giggling at these two turds
  6. Fairin

    Himeno-chan ni Koi wa Mada Hayai - Vol. 1 Ch. 5

    All I could think of was DO YOU UNDERSTANNNNNNNNNDUUUUUU from Jojo
  7. Fairin

    Koi wa Sekai Seifuku no Ato de - Vol. 1 Ch. 1 - I love you!

    Fucking Gelato 5. I'm sold
  8. Fairin

    Yakumo-san wa Ezuke ga Shitai - Vol. 8 Ch. 51 - Leftover "All-you-can-Eat" Buffet

    This is great. I don't know if the progress we see will result in the two of them together in the end, but I don't mind reading about just their daily lives. This manga really soothes my soul regardless
  9. Fairin

    Yakumo-san wa Ezuke ga Shitai - Vol. 7 Ch. 47 - I know, let's go to a bathhouse

    The progress is happening. Very slow, but we're getting there
  10. Fairin

    Kowloon Generic Romance - Vol. 1 Ch. 5

    Lmao the author really just put a straight-up hentai panel in the middle of the chapter like a madlad. The story is starting to heat up as well, really excited to see what comes next
  11. Fairin

    Yakumo-san wa Ezuke ga Shitai - Vol. 5 Ch. 35 - Yakumo-san's endless worries

    Im so glad theres some progress happening. Maybe not entirely in the right direction, but progress nonetheless. Also, Yakumo is damn cute
  12. Fairin

    Ikenai Kanojo no Otetsudai - Vol. 2 Ch. 9 - Because We're Friends

    The new volume cover is cute.
  13. Fairin


    I am so fucking confused, but also entertained
  14. Fairin

    Yagiza no Yuujin - Vol. 1 Ch. 5

    The only other culprit is the girl, unless the author decides to pull in an additional character. I feel like it's a weak twist though, since there's so few characters to choose from.
  15. Fairin

    Gal Gohan - Vol. 10 Ch. 62 - Cookies and Love Letters

  16. Fairin

    Yakumo-san wa Ezuke ga Shitai - Vol. 5 Ch. 32 - A man's gourmet

    This chapter makes me so happy in so many ways. His ratchet cooking methods remind me of myself. Truly a man's gourmet. Or I guess more accurately a broke student's gourmet
  17. Fairin

    Yakumo-san wa Ezuke ga Shitai - Vol. 5 Ch. 31 - Night-bloomers

    Man this is too much for my kokoro. Yakumo is way too amazing bro if I were him I'd head over heels for her too
  18. Fairin

    Yakumo-san wa Ezuke ga Shitai - Vol. 4 Ch. 23 - A boy's endless worries

    This is one of the best chapters so far lmfao. Seeing yamato so out of it is hilarious. And his friend just casually knows cuz he fondled Ritsuko lmfaooooo
  19. Fairin

    Yakumo-san wa Ezuke ga Shitai - Vol. 3 Ch. 21 - Restless night

    Damn that got spicy real fast. And then really heartfelt and damn ma hart