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  1. Fairin

    The Story of a Girl with Sanpaku Eyes - Vol. 1 Ch. 13

    My dude straight up just died from how cute the girl is lmfao. I love this oh man
  2. Fairin

    The Story of a Girl with Sanpaku Eyes - Vol. 1 Ch. 12

    This is just the purest more adorable thing
  3. Fairin

    Gal Gohan - Vol. 1 Ch. 1 - Handmade Cookies

    Lewd Handholding? Excuse me is this the FBI we've got a criminal on the loose
  4. Fairin

    A Story About Treating a Female Knight, Who Has Never Been Treated as a Woman, as a Woman - Vol. 1 Ch. 4 - The Female Knight and Using Magic

    Excuse me. I'd like to report extreme pornography. Excessively lewd handholding going on right here officer
  5. Fairin


    The whiteboard scene cracks me up so bad
  6. Fairin


    Oh my god I love Eiji that derpy idiot
  7. Fairin


    Ok i love these spin offs with shousuke and co. so much. Hitomi makes a great "Najimi" character too.
  8. Fairin

    Aho-Girl - Vol. 7 Ch. 100

    What the fuck did i just read
  9. Fairin

    D-Frag! - Vol. 13 Ch. 104 - You're Gonna Hurt Yourself

    I f*cking lost it when he got punched in the face oh man
  10. Fairin


    Komi talking to the plant has got to be the cutest thing I've ever seen.
  11. Fairin

    One Morning I Woke Up - Oneshot

    Kinda cheesy, but so sweet that I really don't mind at all. Would love a series out of this, although idk where it'd go from here
  12. Fairin


    Oh god the Komi kun stories are so damn good i love these
  13. Fairin

    D-Frag! - Vol. 12 Ch. 94 - This School Sucks!!

    Boob slam KO. I've seen it all.
  14. Fairin

    D-Frag! - Vol. 11 Ch. 82 - Why Do You Look a Li'l Happy?!

    Ok idk bout you guys but Takao looks so damn cute
  15. Fairin


    For those of you doubting this chapter, colds can actually get this bad. It's just alot more rare than they portray in manga and stuff. I've had a 105 F fever before for three days and at one point I was even hallucinating. It was real bad. It's only ever happened once in my life though. But it...
  16. Fairin


  17. Fairin

    Komi-san wa Komyushou Desu. - Vol. 1 Ch. 9 - Childhood Friend

    Osana Najimi? Like Yandere Simulator Osana?
  18. Fairin

    Senryuu Shoujo - Vol. 1 Ch. 1 - 5-7-5 Girl

    Ok I love this after that fart joke I'm totally in love