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  1. Achkbar378Nii-sama

    Idol to Otaku no Risou no Kankei - Vol. 4 Ch. 23

    this manga need change name... Tonari no stalker-san.... I want see event she get jealous... maybe he big/little sister coming... without know who is she.. so she(idol) get jealous.... aah..
  2. Achkbar378Nii-sama

    Shikiyoku Agitation - Vol. 1 Ch. 3

    bangsat endingnya... eh salah... maksudku bangsat authornya.... ┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐ ┻━┻ ︵ヽ(`Д´)ノ︵ ┻━┻
  3. Achkbar378Nii-sama

    Lovemare - Vol. 2 Ch. 13 - Last Perversion: If Lovemare didn't Exist...

    waduh.. greget endingnya.. Mantap! ini nih... manga harem gini yg ane cari... Really thanks @biribiri for translate... And really great for you hard work @AkatsukiMyuuto
  4. Achkbar378Nii-sama

    Osananajimi Ecchi

    @DANDAN_THE_DANDAN oh... thanks for info sir....
  5. Achkbar378Nii-sama


    Good ending... -More like they married have Child..
  6. Achkbar378Nii-sama

    Osananajimi Ecchi

    can someone tell me... what vanilla mean...?
  7. Achkbar378Nii-sama


    @monkey123 Same... haha.. idk that language.. i just search in engine and search Nozoemon...
  8. Achkbar378Nii-sama


  9. Achkbar378Nii-sama


    aashit... here too.. where i can find this.. after i read 5.5 chapter.. i curious about asuka(Shizuka lol) what happen with her.. i see her with someone old man.. she undressed in front that old man..
  10. Achkbar378Nii-sama

    Yanagida-kun to Mizuno-san - Vol. 2 Ch. 21 - Only You

    Best ending... (anyway... chika-chan face and name almost same like Sawachika(Ojou-sama) Kawaii... Thanks Author and Translate person..
  11. Achkbar378Nii-sama

    Yanagida-kun to Mizuno-san - Vol. 1 Ch. 7 - Haru-chan

    Astaga... ! Wkwkwk aashit.. yanagida have little brother now... hahaha
  12. Achkbar378Nii-sama

    Yanagida-kun to Mizuno-san - Vol. 1 Ch. 3 - Tomo Choco?

    Tsundere kawaii... 😆 UnyU.. Mantap... 😍 Tsundere dimataku adalah gadis imut seduniaku.... 😚
  13. Achkbar378Nii-sama

    Chihou Kishi Hans no Junan - Vol. 2 Ch. 8

    just married with her already... aashit...
  14. Achkbar378Nii-sama

    Boku no Kanojo Sensei - Vol. 2 Ch. 10

    Nyaawaiii!! (>﹏<) ( ˃᷄˶˶̫˶˂᷅ ) Nyanko Sensei i Love you ♡ ≧ω≦
  15. Achkbar378Nii-sama

    Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san - Vol. 14 Ch. 122 - Advice

    i wish more make she jealous..(´∀`)♡. and curious about what he(nishikata) doing with another girl... (・´з`・)
  16. Achkbar378Nii-sama

    Mission In Harem - Vol. 1 Ch. 1

    aahsit.. i just bookmarks this manga.. but never update anymore? (what happen)?
  17. Achkbar378Nii-sama

    Toshiue Elite Onna Kishi ga Boku no Mae de dake Kawaii

    aashit... this manga have shota gen...
  18. Achkbar378Nii-sama

    Kyou no 5 no 2

    i love this manga... but i love anime version.... thanks for upload...
  19. Achkbar378Nii-sama

    No Problem Kazoku - Vol. 1 Ch. 1 - Everything Else is Normal

    that papa really wibu... great...but, what happened with real mama...?