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  1. Hiibiki

    Isekai Walking - Vol. 8 Ch. 75 - Leader Litt

    Nope, it's a real battle. Probably gonna take 2-4 more chapter to end this orc part
  2. Hiibiki

    Einen Koyou wa Kanou deshou ka - Vol. 4 Ch. 20 - Is Long-Term Employment Possible?

    Wait don't tell me this is where the hiatus begin!?
  3. Hiibiki

    Shinmai Ossan Boukensha, Saikyou Party ni Shinu hodo Kitaerarete Muteki ni Naru. - Ch. 56 - The Dragon's Whim

    Oho, another as*hole who think "just think meeting me the same as getting hit by a natural disaster". Bet he died a miserable death
  4. Hiibiki

    Fake Saint of the Year: You Wanted the Perfect Saint? Too Bad! - Ch. 28.2

    The explanation as to why this happen would be at a later chapter after MC meet
  5. Hiibiki

    Ougon no Keikenchi - Vol. 2 Ch. 9

    When other player play Action,Adventure,Fantasy,JRPG. MC choose to play RTS
  6. Hiibiki

    Isekai Izakaya "Nobu" - Vol. 15 Ch. 91 - Taste of Memories, Continued

    I don't lnow about the world map. But, if his home is closer to the nwighboring empire than Aetheria. He could just hope to the Izakaya in that Country. Yes, there's actually a sequel to this manga titled "Iseka Izakaya Gen", it was the same premise, they just get connected to Neighboring...
  7. Hiibiki

    Isekai Izakaya "Nobu" - Vol. 15 Ch. 91 - Taste of Memories, Continued

    He was too soft. If my Wife and Child won't trust me, despite all dedication I gave to them. I would've leave them. She can have the right to the child. Fuck love, you can't have love without Trust, that just an obsession
  8. Hiibiki

    Level 0 no Muno Tansaku Sha to Sagesumarete Mo Jitsuha Sekai Saikyodesu Tansaku Ranking 1 I Ha Nazo No Hito - Ch. 1.4

    With the appearance of "???" The world start to change. By that Author means, everyone IQ and common sense became bellow the average, close to zero, some even already reached a Minus
  9. Hiibiki

    Level 0 no Muno Tansaku Sha to Sagesumarete Mo Jitsuha Sekai Saikyodesu Tansaku Ranking 1 I Ha Nazo No Hito - Ch. 1.3

    Yeah, author could learn from Rakudai Kishi as to how to write MC who is from zero to hero... Training, seeking more knowledge and information, more training, fuck the system by playing by rules
  10. Hiibiki

    Level 0 no Munou Tansakusha to Sagesumaretemo Jitsu wa Sekai Saikyou desu ~Tansaku Ranking 1-i wa Nazo no Hito~ - Vol. 1 Ch. 1.2

    Thaks for the chapter!!! So, by this chapter we know that MC is your usual OP Zero to Hero with common sense below zero aka Minus. I wish author learn from Rakudai Kishi no Cavalry MC. If you are weak and no one want to associate with you or even train you, then you seek knowledge and train...
  11. Hiibiki

    Isekai Metaller - Vol. 1 Ch. 1

    His Guitar is Flying V, if he wear Red Long Coat instead, I will gladly call Him DANTE
  12. Hiibiki

    Tensei Mae wa Otoko Datta no de Gyaku Harem wa Okotowari Shite Orimasu - Vol. 2 Ch. 8

    When you remember every single word in the book, thou shall go to school withou carrying any
  13. Hiibiki

    Frontier Diary - Vol. 3 Ch. 15 - When to Express Your Feelings

    Agreed. Thats why I hate Dense MC.
  14. Hiibiki

    Kamigami no Kago de Seisan Kakumei ~Isekai no Katasumi de Mattari Slow Life Shi Tetara, Naze ka Tasaina Jinzai ga Atsumatte Saikyou Kokka ga Dekitema…

    Please don't make it into "Apparently she Got Brainwashed, that's why she became stupid" kind of plot
  15. Hiibiki

    Kyuuseishu «Messiah» ~Isekai o Sukutta Motoyuusha ga Mamono no Afureru Genjitsu Sekai o Musou Suru~ - Ch. 38 - Two Faces

    "Violence can solve most of your problem. If it CAN'T, Then You just haven't use nowhere enough of it." -Rokujo Minori "Maken-Ki!"