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  1. monk3yofchaos

    Gohan No Otomo Ni, Shinigami To! - Vol. 1 Ch. 2

    It was the thing she added to the Curry 😔
  2. monk3yofchaos

    Get Out of My House! - Ch. 54.5

    What the bell! 😵😵😭😭
  3. monk3yofchaos

    My Girlfriend's Not Here Today - Vol. 4 Ch. 20 - Destruction Embraced

    This was.... A chapter of all time. This manga would stay rent free in my mind usually but because of this chapter, it became kinda....just boring. (Watch the next chapter be a Fuuko POV nothing burger then the next next chapter be another trainwreck with other fucked up shit happening) But...
  4. monk3yofchaos

    Best Friends - Ch. 28 - Extra

    Thanks fam. Read it on manga18 or some shit
  5. monk3yofchaos

    I Love Amy - Ch. 45 - Dear Julia

    Why the hell hadn't I read this earlier? So good! 11/10
  6. monk3yofchaos

    Ayaka is in Love with Hiroko! - Vol. 3 Ch. 24

    It definitely needed more chapters with more fun moments. Liked how it handled everything at the end but the drama before this really left a sour taste. Realistic? sure, probably. Fun to read? Not for me honestly. This will probably be a much better read if you binge it though.
  7. monk3yofchaos

    Stitch You Together - Ch. 3 - Book 3

    The flowers are special just like in Sanka Rea :copium: She'll then turn normal as long as she eats those flowers :copium:
  8. monk3yofchaos

    Tadokoro-san (Web Comic) - Ch. 126

    Thanks. I'll look around then
  9. monk3yofchaos

    Witch Guild Fantasia - Ch. 8 - Albus

    Thanks for the TL! Please do continue it!
  10. monk3yofchaos

    My Dearest Nemesis - Ch. 10 - I want to get to know her better.

    Does anyone know another manga that's similar to this? I love this dynamic of this crazy angry woman and this stoic cool woman (that's apparently a masochist)
  11. monk3yofchaos

    Tadokoro-san (Web Comic) - Ch. 126

    So Raws are the only way to read this?
  12. monk3yofchaos

    Koroshiya Yametai - Vol. 4 Ch. 40

    Fail RP. The priest has his teeth back 😠😠 (Thanks for the chapter)
  13. monk3yofchaos

    Sorry For Falling In Love - Ch. 20

    Zamn feelsbadman... But I STILL don't see how this ends up as a Happy end... I wanna get spoilers on it but I'll refrain and just let myself suffer
  14. monk3yofchaos

    Kono Healer, Mendokusai - Vol. 5 Ch. 43 - Cadet

    Oh god the cadet is gonna be a force to be reckoned with now... I feel bad for the adventurers that will attack her now 😔
  15. monk3yofchaos

    Sorry For Falling In Love - Ch. 19

    I still don't see a good ending (for the MC) in sight as mugi seems to be genuinely in love with the senpai...
  16. monk3yofchaos

    Koroshiya Yametai - Vol. 4 Ch. 38

    The last line seems ominous lmao. The fight scene was pretty cool though.
  17. monk3yofchaos

    Sorry For Falling In Love - Ch. 16

    The MC is so miserable right now It sucks hahaha. I swear to god if this doesn't have a good-ish ending I'll riot.
  18. monk3yofchaos

    Love and Hate and Love (Unrequited Love Yuri Anthology) - Ch. 1 - Nochimuyu - We really are selfish, aren't we?

    This is a oneshot anthology so i doubt there's gonna be a part 2. I hope what you're saying is true but it doesnt seem so. First page explicitly says that she's dead...the final pages confirm that as well... Now i'm pissed off ffs feelsbadman
  19. monk3yofchaos

    Love and Hate and Love (Unrequited Love Yuri Anthology) - Ch. 1 - Nochimuyu - We really are selfish, aren't we?

    Did she fucking die or something? First page says something about a girl dying. Last page says she's no longer with us... What even the hell. Am I dumb?