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  1. G

    Aru Hi Totsuzen Message Window ga Hyoujisaretan desu kedo!? - Vol. 1 Ch. 14

    They don't make shameless sluts like before
  2. G

    Sukebe JD to Kyousei Gyaku Rape Sudomari Plan - Oneshot

    The grills made him forget about idolshit, a great service to the much needed japanese fuck-rate:thumbsup:
  3. G

    Juujika no Rokunin - Vol. 19 Ch. 186 - True Hell

    I have read all the chapters in a few hours, someone end me already.
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    Shigoto Kaeri, Dokushin no Bijin Doushi ni Tanomarete - Vol. 1 Ch. 4

    SEX!!!!... next week (two months for us readers)
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    Youkoso Isekai e, dewa Shinde Kudasai. - Vol. 2 Ch. 9

    lmao what the hell is going through the mind of the author, have some self-respect
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    Musume no Shinshitsu - Vol. 1 Ch. 3 - No more playing house

    Welcome to japanese drama, enjoy the ride
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    Boy Meets Girl, Again! - Ch. 3

    Scared, but horny
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    Kawaisou na Imouto-chan - Ch. 36

    Uh hello, horny police?
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    Lady in the Bad School - Vol. 1 Ch. 4 - An exciting school tour

    I want to know her history with NTR. Author-san, autobiography wen
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    Lady in the Bad School - Vol. 1 Ch. 4 - An exciting school tour

    This author needs therapy, i smell rape in every chapter.