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  1. LewynMartell

    Ani no Yome to Kurashite Imasu. - Vol. 2 Ch. 16 - Diary 16

    i desire this sensei carnally
  2. LewynMartell

    Tora wa Ryuu o Mada Tabenai. - Vol. 1 Ch. 5 - Fragmented Elopement

    this chapter is missing its first page btw
  3. LewynMartell

    You, the One Sitting Next to Me, Are the Cutest. - Ch. 37

    the little sister (yui) wasn't really as high strung as this... personality transplant lol
  4. LewynMartell

    You, the One Sitting Next to Me, Are the Cutest. - Ch. 22

    this is so funny, these two are like that bus meme. hoshikawa in love is the miserable person looking at the wall and kohinata in love is the cheerful person looking at the landscape
  5. LewynMartell

    You, the One Sitting Next to Me, Are the Cutest. - Ch. 7

    onee-san is literally so right. get outta here with that 'see someone as a man/woman' bullshit. bisexual people are the only sane ones on the planet lol
  6. LewynMartell

    So Shine!! - Vol. 1 Ch. 7

  7. LewynMartell

    Tora wa Ryuu o Mada Tabenai. - Vol. 2 Ch. 15 - Caged Birds Always Long for the Sky

    considering she got two slaves who work for her and even hunt for her, i'd say she had more than her share of selfish incentive
  8. LewynMartell

    Tora wa Ryuu o Mada Tabenai. - Vol. 1 Ch. 7 - The Aftermath

    i think it was in the forum of the last chapter or something that someone asked why he seems to like her so much. and i think this chapter is a very good indicator of it. the dragon carries a trauma of being seen as food to his parent that at the time being seems inherent to the position his...
  9. LewynMartell

    Tora wa Ryuu o Mada Tabenai. - Vol. 1 Ch. 7 - The Aftermath

    i think dragons in this story are exceptional creatures (some otherworldly capabilities like being long-lived and having special blood), but overall pretty vulnerable. it's also a very apt representation of how bratty (haughty) they are described as being.
  10. LewynMartell

    Tora wa Ryuu o Mada Tabenai. - Vol. 3 Ch. 18 - Fate is kind of ephemeral

    thank you so much for the chapter!! also damn, peeps... i believe in the power of love and fantasy and am choosing to believe they will find a way to live on together. ignoring the tragedy tag hard af lmao
  11. LewynMartell

    Tora wa Ryuu o Mada Tabenai. - Vol. 1 Ch. 1 - The Tiger's Prey

    that rabbit in page 1 is jacked
  12. LewynMartell

    Monthly in the Garden with My Landlord - Vol. 4 Ch. 24

    2 crabs ain't much at all 😭 if anything, it's way too little for 2 people. when we eat crab we need a whole fucking bunch of them and it's a very laborous process because they don't have much meat. (that is, unless ur eating their guts ig which yuuuck haha)
  13. LewynMartell

    Monthly in the Garden with My Landlord - Vol. 1 Ch. 4

    she has the money to up and move and replace pretty much all of her furniture on a whim but not to afford a high end supermarket hahaha
  14. LewynMartell

    Lifetime of a Man - Vol. 2 Ch. 11 - Mom Power

    man, im so glad this manga is back, i have been hoping this would be picked up again for years, thank you so much ! ✌️
  15. LewynMartell

    Koneko ♂ ga Matterunode Kaerimasu. - Vol. 1 Ch. 5.1

    thank you so much for picking this up!
  16. LewynMartell

    JS-san to OL-chan - Vol. 3 Ch. 22 - Teamwork

    she said she gets paid a lot, she should just hire a housekeeper. her life is a mess bro lol
  17. LewynMartell

    JS-san to OL-chan - Vol. 2 Ch. 10 - Gym

    Ayase and Mio would be a much better couple 😭
  18. LewynMartell

    JS-san to OL-chan - Vol. 1 Ch. 6 - Marriage

    how can she not think she's a pedophile when she let it slip to the kid how she would lile to talk about the "cute elementary school girls" she sees just a few chapters back lol you're way too old not to realize you're a pedo
  19. LewynMartell

    JS-san to OL-chan - Vol. 1 Ch. 3 - Contact

    omg she's way too much of a creep 😂 this is just reading about a predator trying to get into the pants of a 11 year old. this is why reading loli/shota manga where the adult party is already head over heels from the start is more uncomfortable than the opposite. i'm not exactly against reading a...
  20. LewynMartell

    Watashitachi wa Moto Joshi desu - Vol. 2 Ch. 10

    i think we are definitely not coming into this from the same perspective and thus will not reach any middle ground whatsoever. i'm coming from the perspective that this loss you're referring to is already a reality that the character will have to deal no matter the path. and that it's not...