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  1. Subarashikani

    The Frozen Player Returns - Vol. 3 Ch. 101

    Proud Frostie is good Frostie (not better than Sleepy Frostie, tho. That's unbeatable) Sakya's rampage while being cutesy was unexpected. I pictured her as the crazy type lol
  2. Subarashikani

    The Frozen Player Returns - Vol. 2 Ch. 84

    My heart totally belongs to cute Frost Queen 😍 Also, the system of the second floor is dumb, but let's roll with it for now
  3. Subarashikani

    The Frozen Player Returns - Vol. 2 Ch. 55

    Cute Frost banging on the system window 😍 Creepy Fiends deserve death
  4. Subarashikani

    The Frozen Player Returns - Vol. 2 Ch. 53

    That was a cruel trial, ngl Skaya's farewell was touching though. Hope to see them awake sooner than later
  5. Subarashikani

    The Frozen Player Returns - Vol. 1 Ch. 47

    How come the Forst Queen is such a cutie-pie in her spirit form? Don't get me wrong, I'm all here for it, but that was unexpected lol
  6. Subarashikani

    The Frozen Player Returns - Vol. 1 Ch. 24

    It doesn't seem like they necessarily needed the skill to solve it, though. The mission was most likely to help his ascension by praying for him. Lots of cultures have/had the custom of praying after killing someone/some animal. It would be just a matter of respect for the dead, not skill-related
  7. Subarashikani

    The Frozen Player Returns - Vol. 1 Ch. 23

    Don't forget he learnt archery with Green. For all we know, he might've met Green and learn from him after facing the first dragon he fought against (he did say it was a bad match, but never said it continued as such)
  8. Subarashikani

    Keikenchi Chochiku de Nonbiri Shoushin Ryokou ~Yuusha to Koibito ni Tsuihou sareta Senshi no Mujikaku zama~ - Vol. 5 Ch. 23

    And more than anything, Nei would never, in a million realities, be ready for that much exposure after all that. Being in public would already be terrifying for her, imagine in a swimsuit. That was completely unnecessary. Not the best timing for the "beach" chapter
  9. Subarashikani

    Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken - Ch. 119 - Uma Breve Negociação do Labirinto

    Rimuru nem hesitou em jogar o Millie aos lobos. Força, Millie!!
  10. Subarashikani

    Saitei Chara ni Tensei shita Ore wa Ikinokoritai - Vol. 3 Ch. 13 - Princesa Fiaris 1

    Tirando a imensa complicação que vai ser se envolver com eles, ver a Chloe chamando o rei de Tiozinho repetidas vezes fez esse capítulo bem melhor do que seria normalmente kkkkk
  11. Subarashikani

    Saitei Chara ni Tensei shita Ore wa Ikinokoritai - Vol. 2 Ch. 7 - Chloe, A aventureira Bestial 1

    Você não tá errado, mas tem distinção entre um sacrifício e uma isca. Provavelmente a guilda faria essa distinção também, só não foi mostrado pq: 1- não era relevante, e 2- o autor não é a lâmpada mais brilhante da caixa pra ter pensado nisso de antemão
  12. Subarashikani

    Saitei Chara ni Tensei shita Ore wa Ikinokoritai - Vol. 1 Ch. 3 - Jin, o Aventureiro novato.

    Não dá pra dizer que a história é realmente boa, mas é ótima pra jogar tempo fora. E os personagens são agradáveis. Obrigado pela tradução!!!
  13. Subarashikani

    Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint - Ch. 66 - A Kingless World (2)

    This was freaking epic. Holy crap, what a chapter!
  14. Subarashikani

    Tensei Kizoku no Isekai Boukenroku: Jichou o Shiranai Kamigami no Shito - Ch. 60

    Silk is actually the daughter of a duke, not a margrave. Cain himself is the son a margrave. So, not considering the divine realm, by attacking Cain they officially made enemies of the King of Esfort, the most prominent duke of Esfort, an influential margrave of Esfort, the duke of Ribelt...
  15. Subarashikani

    Zennin Ossan, Umarekawattara SSS Rank Jinsei ga Kakutei Shita - Vol. 7 Ch. 78

    We all agree this is a guilty-pleasure reading, right? It ain't good, it just has stuff happening But this chapter does open a whole new space in a heart for Ange. Grown-up Ange is a sight to behold for eternity
  16. Subarashikani

    Kekkaishi e no Tensei - Vol. 7 Ch. 40

    This series has made me unspeakably anxious, goddammit I can't see a normal kind of conflict without thinking it's gonna escalate to a nation-wide crises with the sky falling down and the whole city being burned alive. IT'S JUST AN APOLOGY AND A RECONSTRUCTION ARC! HOW COULD IT LEAD TO FALLING...
  17. Subarashikani

    Tsuihousareru Tabi ni Skill o Te ni Ireta Ore ga, 100 no Isekai de 2-shuume Musou - Vol. 3 Ch. 12 - The True Hero

    Tia Simps Cult has expanded! In time, Alexis feels refreshing as a co-main. He's not perfect, but he's not a moron as well. Dude's pretty much a nice guy trying to do what feels right to him. Even in Ed's first run-through he was pretty decent, and felt doubt on the way they parted. The whole...
  18. Subarashikani

    Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken - Ch. 115 - As Finais e A Conversa

    Obrigado pela tradução, Padaria! Sinceramente, esperava uma amizade mas não que ele ia querer morar ali e abandonar o grupo dele. Mas dá total pra entender o coitado do Masayuki. Espero que ele possa relaxar um pouco em Tempest agora (apesar de que ninguém realmente relaxa em Tempest, já que...
  19. Subarashikani

    Kekkaishi e no Tensei - Vol. 7 Ch. 39.5

    Oh, no. This is a series we re-read from after those events. Not worthy reliving the trauma