It's a long axe
It seems she's trying to pull him away from the enemy's attack using the axe's shaft so he doesn't get hit and at the same time prepping for a counter attack
I find it weird that sensei seems to be implying that Kazama got lost when he went out from that Ramen shop but since Tama seems to have received her package that means he actually got lost after delivering said package to her which means the last person that should know his last location should...
Nah he really Really REALLY regards Funabori very highly because of her absolute saintliness
If she asks him to go destroy an entire country(not that she really would've) he'd do it no questions ask(and somehow manage to do it too, the absolute madman)
Nah he's just average for a highschooler...
Everyone already silently agrees that Funabori is best girl and is number 1 in rank
everyone else is really just competing for 2nd place at this point
She's literally an Angel and a Goddess, they really can't compete with that
With the way the translators were in the previous chapters... is this even really a question anymore? It's 100% because of the machine translation being posted unedited.
The other translator is usually better but because of that they get posted later than the terrible ones