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  1. DeadlyShadow0

    Yuusha ni Zenbu Ubawareta Ore wa Yuusha no Hahaoya to Party o Kumimashita! - Vol. 1 Ch. 2

    I would want more spoiler, as i do love the smell of spoilers in the morning
  2. DeadlyShadow0

    Yuusha ni Zenbu Ubawareta Ore wa Yuusha no Hahaoya to Party o Kumimashita! - Vol. 1 Ch. 1 - Ch. 1

    i am not into NTR but this is a great revenge and even it doesnt feel like NTR because he was never going after the young childhood friends It's a WIN-WIN for me
  3. DeadlyShadow0

    Yuusha ni Zenbu Ubawareta Ore wa Yuusha no Hahaoya to Party o Kumimashita! - Vol. 1 Ch. 1 - Ch. 1

    The Job Class should be "Motherf@cker", also does any one knows if this is monthly or bi-mothly...
  4. DeadlyShadow0

    Netoge no Yome wa Onnanoko ja Nai to Omotta? - Vol. 8 Ch. 46 - END

    does someone knows how the Novel or LN ended i need to know but i don't see any lead of how it ended
  5. DeadlyShadow0

    Wicked Trapper: Hunter of Heroes - Vol. 4 Ch. 20

    i know ite felt like it was gonna be great but it was too rushed even with 10 more chapters it would have been better but in japan if they dont see results inmediatly they axe it so that's why most good works have bad endings...
  6. DeadlyShadow0

    interesting for you to know 1- hard to explain but yeah and it's contagious 2- yeah in meat...

    interesting for you to know 1- hard to explain but yeah and it's contagious 2- yeah in meat, again hard to explain but you can notice the taste in meat when they died with fear, that's why it's a norm for animals to have a peaceful death or else the meat "will have a less better taste" 3- not...
  7. DeadlyShadow0

    Ore no Genjitsu wa Ren’ai Game?? ka to Omottara Inochigake no Game datta - Ch. 60.2

    it's not about that but because it's montly or bi montly that it takes so long for new chapters and i have a love/hate relationship with that, as it makes me expecting and theorizing how the story will go but also the wait kills me
  8. DeadlyShadow0

    Ore no Genjitsu wa Ren’ai Game?? ka to Omottara Inochigake no Game datta - Ch. 60.2

    i love the uncensored version why does people bother so much with nipples we all are grown up, but man i am really glad for the double chapter update... but now we will wait at least two months for a new chapter and that's the one thing that it's painful
  9. DeadlyShadow0

    I can smell your fear and it's delicious

    I can smell your fear and it's delicious
  10. DeadlyShadow0

    Futoku no Guild - Vol. 10 Ch. 57 - Each Of Them Afterwards

    and i hope we get more seasons of anime
  11. DeadlyShadow0

    Futoku no Guild - Vol. 10 Ch. 57 - Each Of Them Afterwards

    good thing we have comments again how i missed this, man... when the father of your girlfriend already wants to be a granpa
  12. DeadlyShadow0

    Netoge no Yome wa Onnanoko ja Nai to Omotta? - Vol. 6 Ch. 33

    thank you for bringing this series back i cannot thank you enough as i really want to see the ending and there's no raws out there
  13. DeadlyShadow0

    Hai to Gensou no Grimgar

    @leozack i really thank you, i wanted to see how it ended
  14. DeadlyShadow0

    Netoge no Yome wa Onnanoko ja Nai to Omotta?

    @Brook09 Ohhhh mannnn reallyyy... now that is really sad but i don't get it why...
  15. DeadlyShadow0

    Roland Roland - Ch. 112

    i know that they are friends but i can't stop shipping roland and louisa they are so cute
  16. DeadlyShadow0

    Sometimes Even Reality Is a Lie! - Ch. 60 - This Is Bad!!

    The best guy you could ever find
  17. DeadlyShadow0

    Yuusha ga Shinda! - Vol. 20 Ch. 202 - The Promised Day

    I really liked this and now i feel empty inside, this is the struggle we suffer when something has ended