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  1. R

    Bandai Kaname wa Asobitai - Vol. 1 Ch. 4 - Kick off to tomorrow

    Whelp time to drop the manga. Same thing always happens. Girl and guy for a few chapters, good times Second girl appears, in love with guy, decrease in quality but still okay Third girl appears, in love with guy, goes down the gutter. Rinse and repeat until you've finally milked your readers...
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    Binetsu Kuukan - Vol. 3 Ch. 14

    I really dislike characters like this -- the lesbian who silently lusts over the female MC while unreasonably hating the male MC. I understand I'm supposed to feel sympathy for them due to unrequited love, but I simply don't. I suspect the author just expects us to side with her because she's a...
  3. R

    Yugami-kun ni wa Tomodachi ga Inai - Vol. 5 Ch. 25 - Yugami-kun Doesn't Back Down

    Another amazing chapter. This manga is the one that makes me laugh every time.
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    Love Lab - Vol. 11 Ch. 1

    Was following your blog so didn't see it had updated! Glad to see you're still translating this series.
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    Kyougaku Koukou no Genjitsu - Vol. 4 Ch. 46

    Good fucking lord these boys are absolute FLAG CRUSHERS. Probably the most realistic high school manga you'll ever read.
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    Kyougaku Koukou no Genjitsu

    Was afraid this had been dropped. Thanks for keeping it coming, anon. The humor is on point in this manga.
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    O Maidens in Your Savage Season.

    HOLY SHIT I NEED MOOOOOOOOOOOOOORE. This is like a lewd version of Love Lab, which is probably my favorite manga. Good god this is right behind it. MORE.
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    7 Jikanme no Note - Vol. 2 Ch. 13

    Teacher x Student pairings always get me hot and bothered.
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    7 Jikanme no Note

    Happy to see this still being updated. Keep 'em coming!
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    Yugami-kun ni wa Tomodachi ga Inai

    @Paulo27 That's Yugami's little sister.
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    Love Lab

    Always happy to see a misunderstanding cleared up. Based Toda. Also love that final omake page with Sayo's boyfriend Yamazaki somehow getting a hold of her cookies. She just can't keep that guy down, no matter what she tries.
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    Yugami-kun ni wa Tomodachi ga Inai

    Another amazing chapter. Thanks for the quick turnaround, I was surprised as hell to see a new chapter up so fast!
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    Yugami-kun ni wa Tomodachi ga Inai

    Thanks for another great chapter. Take your time, just never drop it! I can't tell whether I want Kadota to end up with Kido or Rio. That boy deserves some happiness is all I know.