Thank you for finishing up the story. Nice to get some closure on this one.
This was... okay. Felt pretty standard. Happy that the protag wasn't completely OP in the final battle though I am still kinda sad it turn out to be a slobberknocker fight at the very very end. I'm also disappointed that...
Thank you for the translations. I kinda like this desperation plan and everyone coming together to pull it off. Really does feel like the protag couldn't do it on his own. I bet the villain will still get out but still, really like this chapter.
OW my feelings.......
But on a serious note, HOLY SHIT the art! This is absolutely bonkers. These two chapters are just.... art OVERLOAD. Fantastic. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR TRANSLATING! People! GO BUY THIS MANGA!
This chapter. THIS FUCKING CHAPTER! I'm fucking crying. Why does this manga hit me so hard like it does? GOD the art and emotions are just too good.
Thank you for translating, I need to go lay down.
I honestly don't know how to feel about these last few chapters. Protag is a victim here, why is the story trying to justify her actions TO THE VICTIM here when she hospitalized someone. I'm happy that he's not giving her anymore than the barest levels of compassion but why him? Why does he have...
I don't know if I get where this story is trying to go anymore with this. Is it trying to redeem her? To show that abusers have a twisted logic that makes things alright to do in their minds? I'm going to keep reading cause I want to see what the story wants to try to conclude this little bit on...
He needs to go get help and stop humoring her. I don't know why the author is trying to drag this out like this, she did some pretty irredeemable things and he needs to walk the F away. He's a victim, he doesn't have the responsibility to her other than the bare minimum at best.