We finished volume 1, you guys! We'll probably spend the next few weeks remastering chapters 1-18 with better translation/scan quality and all that first before jumping into volume 2. Thanks for reading. Go pre-order the Kaiji Blu-ray.
Hey, who else has bought their very own replica of Mamiya's souvenir jacket? Pre-orders end very soon and the jackets will ship in May, so make your dreams come true! There's 6 chapters in volume 2, by the way.
Hey. Takeshobo is selling a replica of Mamiya's souvenir jacket (among other things) right now. It's 1,200 USD. Pre-orders for jacket close January 31. Do you dare purchase one? or help me get one, why not
@Mantecol Volume 2 is not out on digital yet. Kindai Mahjong magazines/print volumes are physical-only so they are harder to acquire, scan and clean. When the ebook comes out, you might see something here. Come back often.
I'll work on this and HERO irregularly. There's like 100+ chapters for each series to go through anyway, and I want to get my backlog of spinoffs/oldies over with first.
By the way, I did subs for Kaiji Final Game a while back. Cool stuff.