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  1. kaf

    Lets start posting doujin music fellas.

    Let's see what you got you dweebs! I will start first! | love solfege - Emeth Azur (track) | (Accord on Codes) Shade of your reverie (album) | PSYQUI feat.Sennzai / Swelling (track)...
  2. kaf

    Genshiken question.

    Hello fellow weebs, I would like to ask about ep 6 of Genshiken. To be honest, towards the end I got confused. Why did Saki join the club? and what was the president going on about?]
  3. kaf

    Manga that the main character makes a civilization/country/town/village please help

    if you know any manga that the main character makes a civilization/country/town/village please tell me i would read it in an instant and thank you for your time ~kaf
  4. kaf

    Social Clubs

    Social Clubs I had an idea of having Social Clubs in MD basically Social Clubs will be like a group that are only for one gender of manga and you will be able to create threads and discuss/suggest about that gender of manga that club would be about. And at the same time those group would work as...
  5. kaf

    Dungeon Master Manga

    Hey how ya doing. If you could recommend some manga that the main character is a dungeon master that would be lots of help