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  1. rednecked_crake

    The King of Fantasy - Vol. 4 Ch. 17 - Yasaka's Orphanage

    Yes, it's almost certainly tiny Robert. He ends his sentences in the same way that KoF Robert does in the original JP (with や, a Kansai dialect). I see Goenitz, Yuki and Kula, but I have no idea who the rest are.
  2. rednecked_crake

    The King of Fantasy - Vol. 3 Ch. 16 - The Demon King, Kusanagi

    I haven't read the novel or anything, but I suspect:
  3. rednecked_crake

    Neko no Inai Isekai ni Neko ga Tensei Shichatta Ohanashi - Ch. 1

    @Verypeeved The original line reads more like "the cat was about to meet the end of its own life" instead of the suicide implication, I think.
  4. rednecked_crake

    The King of Fantasy - Vol. 3 Ch. 12 - Mastermind

    Sorry for the delay, I was playing the 2002UM and Guilty Gear rollback betas since they were released lol. Yuri's winpose is taken from '96 / '97: The moves are mostly obvious references.
  5. rednecked_crake

    The King of Fantasy - Vol. 2 Ch. 11 - Assassinate Iori

    Anyone wondering, it's officially nor Krizalid, it just looks a bit like him. This dude is a random jobber.
  6. rednecked_crake

    The King of Fantasy - Vol. 1 Ch. 3 - A Knight's Responsibility

    Or this
  7. rednecked_crake

    The King of Fantasy - Vol. 1 Ch. 1 - The Visitor Wielding Purple Flames

    For anyone unaware, this is basically a what-if scenario based off the ending of KoF 97;
  8. rednecked_crake

    The King of Fighters: A New Beginning

    Aye, I'm halfway through it, I'll put it up here if people want to read it too.
  9. rednecked_crake

    Request for group takeover

    User ID: 444584 Group ID: 7569 Someone made the group and uploaded a few issues, now I'll just upload them myself, thanks.
  10. rednecked_crake

    The King of Fighters: A New Beginning

    I did the last handful of these myself, but stopped when an official translation was announced. I hope the quality was alright, it's the first time I've tried translating manga. Hopefully the official release won't take too long.