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  1. martyg

    Amachin wa Jishou ♂

    chapter is definitely up by this weekend, sorry for making you guys wait so long!
  2. martyg

    Amachin wa Jishou ♂

    @sleepyjello uhm
  3. martyg

    Amachin wa Jishou ♂

    oh god, last update was 4 months ago, im so sorry😟 i'll try 2 hurry up
  4. martyg

    Amachin wa Jishou ♂

    @siotechua can you tell me which pages on which chapters exactly?
  5. martyg

    Amachin wa Jishou ♂

    @refki this means much to me, i'm really sorry for taking so long, the next chapter will be up by the end of this month, i promise!
  6. martyg

    Amachin wa Jishou ♂

  7. martyg

    Amachin wa Jishou ♂

    @softbryan i didn't drop trap heroine, the people who TLd it before picked it back up again, idk whether they still do it but im not going back to that series
  8. martyg

    Amachin wa Jishou ♂

    @chua1332 no! next chapter will be up in like 2 days.
  9. martyg

    Team Josou

    @Blacktart new chapters coming very soon
  10. martyg

    Amachin wa Jishou ♂ - Vol. 3 Ch. 17 - Festival ♂

    @Snowave it's that way in the raws so might as well keep it consistent ♂
  11. martyg

    Amachin wa Jishou ♂ - Vol. 3 Ch. 16 - Outdoors ♂

    @Bowsettealt shit ur right
  12. martyg

    Team Josou

    They took back the series yeah, they're better at this anyways though
  13. martyg

    Amachin wa Jishou ♂

    @monkey123 there anything wrong with being gay?
  14. martyg

    Peruvian Bad Quality Translations

    Great u guys picked up how to make a "girl" fall in love! Proud half-peruvian here! 😏
  15. martyg

    Koisuru (Otome) no Tsukurikata

    I want to pick this up but I don't think I should
  16. martyg

    Team Josou

  17. martyg

    Trap Heroine - Vol. 2 Ch. 13 - Lies and Normality

    Tbh I don't think Kobinata is a girl. His dick might have plot armor till the author rly wants to reveal it I think its unlikely hes trans as well but it honestly doesn't matter to me
  18. martyg

    Trap Heroine

    @sssophiaaa well i bought it on amazon
  19. martyg

    Amachin wa Jishou ♂ - Vol. 2 Ch. 13 - Toilet ♂

    @Bainhardt thanks! thats going to come in handy
  20. martyg

    Amachin wa Jishou ♂ - Vol. 2 Ch. 13 - Toilet ♂

    @justforthelulz idk what you're talking about x)