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  1. superiormeatus


    Personally, I would've gone for the title being "UNCOmfortable", given a lot of what I've seen so far is just the protag dealing with the literal uncomfortability of her little crisis, but I'm not a linguist so I can't be sure if that would translate well into Japanese. As for the content, it's...
  2. superiormeatus

    The Curtain Call of the Dagashi Store

    Idk why y'all keep making pedo jokes about the lady here; so far as I've read, neither the boy nor the lady have really made any steps towards one another, and if anything there's a bit of tension for the boy against the chick about how the chick's apparently replacing the previous manager of...
  3. superiormeatus

    Yan-nee-shiki Kouryakuhou

    my boy out here livin the dream, baby
  4. superiormeatus

    Youjo Senki - Youjo Doctrine!! (Doujinshi)

    my best and proudest fap so far