Search results

  1. L

    Datetime format

    Instead of weird US date format (M/D/YYY HH:MM AM/PM) could we get support for at least ISO date (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM w/24 hours) ? Not sure how many places a full datetime is shown, but I am thinking mainly of the chapter upload? time hidden on the hover text of the "pretty ago time" (example...
  2. L

    Add search in description

    I would like a checkbox/dropdown[/button?] in the "Advanced Search" to enable searching for typed keyword(s) inside (language specific?) title description. This means it is optional, and will not work with quick/main search (CTRL+K). Right now the quick/main search only searches within titles...
  3. L

    Show forum shortcut keys

    I randomly found a few keyboard shortcut keys, but I could not find any official listing. My suggestion to have an official place (maybe Help) to show/list/describe forum keyboard shortcut keys. , = opens conversations (top bar) . = opens notifications (top bar) + seem to work as "enter"...
  4. L

    [Forum] All manga links in manga discussion are broken

    Manga Discussions threads have a link to their manga page, but they are all incorrect (or previous redirect stopped). Example: Rebuild World links to but would be correct.
  5. L

    Tag sub-isekai - not from or to Earth

    With so many isekai stories, I think there is room for sub-tagging/specific ones. I find the stories where the main character is NOT from (planet) Earth, and thus no references to Earth (culture, history, food, etc.), more interesting. Likewise when the main character is coming TO (planet)...
  6. L

    Tag - game elements only has single tag closely remote, namely "Supernatual", but that is very broad. But it would be good fit for this suggested tag. I suggested the name "game elements" to cover a wider group in hopes of being...
  7. L

    Site: Add source list to Advanced Search Filter

    Instead of having to scroll through all tagged/tracked series page by page, I tend to use the advanced search which also means I get to see undesired series. Having the option to limit series to just all my own tagged/tracked series would be very helpful. Limiting further by my status group...
  8. L

    Bug: Site preferences not saved

    Every time I log in, I have to select theme and chapter languages again. Checking my User Settings, it does appear they are saved there.
  9. L

    Site: Filter on Follows Updates

    Adding a series to be followed into a specific status group is fine, but it kinda fails when using the "Follows > Updates" page as all tagged series, with the bell enabled, are shown. Most of the time I only want to see the updates for the series in status "Reading". Please add such a filter, or...
  10. L

    Using "Latest updates" page as "whats available to read" I find it odd the "Latest updates" page shows chapters I have [marked as] read. What is the cause for this ? I thought it was meant as a "what is available to read which you are following" (within selected filter languages). Since your chapter read status...
  11. L

    Search/filter ideas

    I dont think I included something already on the sticky thread. This is just what I came up with after using the search for a few hours. All/most of these should be easy to implement. Search/filter NEW. Minimum chapter #: has to meet this integer value, or be higher. Of course within users...
  12. L

    Read status vs reading process + forum search

    Mangarock refugee here.. As I am manually converting/importing my list, I noticed something I found weird. When I mark a manga as "Reading" (follower status?), then I can set "Reading progress" but when doing so, it does not change the chapters "eyeball" icon. This means when checking for...