This is somehow a lowkey intense chapter to begin the new season.
My 6th sense is tingling why do I feel like something bad is going to happen in the next chapter.
Thank you for the translation!!!!!
Well, this is heartbreaking இдஇஇдஇஇдஇஇдஇஇдஇ. My bby Athy don’t worry, can i pls just kill the black magic in Claude? That man is too precious for his own good.
Ngl, I dont want to know what really happened between the brothers, they seem so close at the start so what happened?
Anyways thx for...
I don’t like both of the candidates, the Ariel is a honest bitch and I feel like Rachel is the two faced one, which is the type I hate the most. Well I guess we should see ;PP
Thx for the translation (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ
Tia is a true level headed villainess I love her, and more shipping time yehey. Am I the only one who still can’t seem to hate on Lawrence tho? But I don’t like him either tho idk, but unlike the mother, Lawrence seems to be an interesting character (for me at least).
Thank you for the...
The family is such a Lesliecon I swear HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, precious Konrad is appearing again இдஇஇдஇஇдஇஇдஇ.
Thanks for the translation!!!
I really can’t hate Fredrick, it seems like he doesn’t really want his situation at all (being a crown prince), also I never really card about Bourbon, but rn she is really pissing me off for some reason.
Thx for the translation!!!!
My love for this chapter is going nuts rn, the father daughter scenes can never be beaten, I want more of Claude teaching Athy scenes. ( sorry Lucas but Claude is better a t teaching) ALSO CLAUDE’S SMILE PIERCED THROUGH MY SOUL, the angst in this chapter is real tho. Claude and Diana should...
Can I have a Bihyung Plushie pls? I can’t get over how cute it is.
The expressions this chapter are gold, I acquired 10 new ss for my personal collection lol
Erudian is cute as ever as well but the smell of upcoming angst is definitely strong.
I wish Tia can find happiness srsly, she deserves it. Another thing, Lawrence was definitely a jerk in the past timeline but I wonder how he will turn out in this one, he is definitely still a jerk but will he actually grow into a better person? Since for some reason I can’t bring myself to hate...