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  1. LuziWatch25

    Who Made Me a Princess - Vol. 2 Ch. 78

    Damn Lucas is scremaing beauty rn. Whats with everyone being so beautiful? Everyone is glowing weokdosksoskks Ngl Iji’s wording was harsh, but at least he was straight forward towards Jeanette and wasn’t annoying unlike some other 2nd ML’s, I don’t exactly hate Jeanette, but I don’t like her...
  2. LuziWatch25

    The Duchess' 50 Tea Recipes - Ch. 43

    Wohoooooooo, Alphonse realized his feelings, how adorable uwu, he’s so madly in love lmao.
  3. LuziWatch25

    Lady Baby - Vol. 3 Ch. 86

    REas thats not how a 8 year old acts i swear to god, you don’t even look like a 8 year old
  4. LuziWatch25

    Virtues of the Villainess - Ch. 27

    I swear I love my carefree and stupid (in a good way) mc’s lol
  5. LuziWatch25

    Virtues of the Villainess - Ch. 26

    All I want to say is, KYUUUUUUUUUNNNNNNNNNN~ 💞❤️💖💓💗💓❤️❤️💞
  6. LuziWatch25

    The Monstrous Duke's Adopted Daughter - Ch. 65

    Leslie has grown up I’m so happy இдஇஇдஇஇдஇஇдஇஇдஇ, my girl has grown into a very dignified lady im so proud இдஇஇдஇஇдஇஇдஇஇдஇஇдஇஇдஇ
  7. LuziWatch25

    The Villainess Lives Again - Vol. 1 Ch. 23

    What a bitch oh my god, I want a man like the duke, but damn what a bitch I’m practically almost speechless lol. But, my instincts tell me that everything was intentional for some reason, I hope my gut is right. Thanks for the translation!!
  8. LuziWatch25

    The Story About You x Me - Ch. 72 - Scared

    Oml last chapter almost gave me a heart attack, poor grandma tho ;((((, But Thank god nothing extremely serious happened
  9. LuziWatch25

    The Spark in Your Eyes - Vol. 1 Ch. 5 - The Nameless Castle (3)

    Oml Kaia (let me just dis name cuz I can’t remember her full name) is adorable wth? She’s lowkey extremely precious lol
  10. LuziWatch25

    Beware the Villainess! - Vol. 1 Ch. 34

    Yona is me, I see myself in Yona cuz money is money. Nine is so adorable uwu. Also Jake the only good looking one out of the OG ML’s lmao.
  11. LuziWatch25

    Bokura no Tsuzuki - Vol. 1 Ch. 1

    UwAaHhh!!! They look adorable, i hope to see wholesome content uwu
  12. LuziWatch25

    Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint - Ch. 13 - Contract (1)

    As a novel reader, this is where everything just starts to gets extremely interesting, for me atleast. Im happy that it’s remaining faithful to the novel. Also the manwha is doing a perfect job potraying kdj’s thirst for yjh.
  13. LuziWatch25


    For some reason I can’t help myself but to not be suspicious of Hoya, I have a feeling she will sacrifice herself or that kind of stuff. Meanwhile MY SHIP IS SAILING DIKSKWKSKSSKKS!!! < I can never get used to Bourbon being a girl lol > also the art is top tier oml
  14. LuziWatch25

    The Villainess Lives Again - Vol. 1 Ch. 22

    I have a bad feeling about this, I want to check the raws but at the same time I don’t. this is why cliff hangers would be the death of me
  15. LuziWatch25

    The Monster Duchess and Contract Princess - Ch. 64

    Where tf did my cute Konrad go? Konrad grew up too fine man. Thx for the translation uwu
  16. LuziWatch25

    The Story About You x Me - Ch. 71 - Snow

    Well no shit im scared to the point my hands are sweating. Please don’t be anything heartbreaking pls. They finally got together man
  17. LuziWatch25

    Who Made Me a Princess - Vol. 2 Ch. 77

    Ik you peeps love Lucas, I’m the same (still waiting for the stabbing to happen) but can we at least talk about how beautiful Claude is this chapter? Like he’s always been beautiful but he looks more extra here.
  18. LuziWatch25

    The Fantasie of a Stepmother - Vol. 1 Ch. 39 - Christmas (6)

    Preach Nora’s mother for being an actual kind mother to Nora, ngl the royal family looks really beautiful lol, but why do i feel like the prince is up to something bad, i really hate the thought.
  19. LuziWatch25

    Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint - Ch. 12 - Protagonist (6)

    Its so funny on how their relationship started LOL, this rocky start is such a good start of the mc’s HAHAHAHAHAH. Thank god they are being extremely faithful to the novel.
  20. LuziWatch25

    Miss Not-So Sidekick - Ch. 109

    My instincts tell me that Arwin would 100% appear next chapter to save our girl. My instincts also tells me that the bitch is behind this whole thing ;v. I hope I’m right tho