Chapter 12 came out in Japan back in 2019 but it also came out in English over two weeks ago.
Volume 2 (Chp.7-12) came out in Japan back in December 2019. All that happened here is that somebody decided to fan-scanlated a new chapter for a dead series (by the way volume 2 has already been released by the official translations for over two weeks now).
There are plenty of LN/WN readers out there that are perfectly happy to buy and read them. Here is a picture that shows the number of views on the site the raws are uploaded to in Japan.
If you're going to use something as a reference for the names you should probably use the official light novel translations instead of the fan translations of the web novel, and「リズリ」doesn't actually even appear in web novel chapter 122 (Volume 6 Chapter 5), the first appearance of the...
The light novel did not finish August of last year. Volume 17 came out September of last year and volume 18 comes out in March of this year.
I don't think they're rewrites or have any change in language worth mentioning, just that they add furigana to all the kanji plus more illustrations.
Then read the light novel. The current English translations of the light novel are 60% through Part 3 (for reference the raws for the Part 3 manga are only 20% through Part 3). That is your only option not to get spoiled.
Even in Japan this manga is not complete. Japan are releasing...
She and her family signed a magic contract forbidding them from acknowledging one another as family, however they can still meet but only as one of noble blood meeting a commoner.
She is going to become the new High Bishop (replacing Bezewanst).
I recommend picking up the...
Even if every chapter of the Part 2 manga was translated they'd still be behind. The raws aren't even at the end of the anime yet.
Two years is still an underestimate because the raws started 27 months ago and they aren't even half-way through Part 2 Volume 2 yet (Part 2 is 4...
@sinphonus @CalamityCallout
Part 2/3/4 are all being released in Japan at once just look at the site with the raws linked under the description:
Part 2 (updated 2021-01-04): https://seiga.nicovideo.jp/comic/37068
Part 3 (updated 2020-12-03): https://seiga.nicovideo.jp/comic/34334
Part 4 (updated...
@chucke1992 @HayashidaYuki @Qwertt
The manga is on arc 4, the arc you mentioned is arc 5 which is basically the same in the LN but there are some minor but more noticeable differences to arc 6. It's everything after arc 6 that the author intends to completely rewrite.
Do note however that volume...