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  1. tmsowacl


    @chrona im not gonna get baited any further lmao. this little sarcasm game youre playing isnt worth my time. have a good one support blm also in regards to the current age thing, yeah given how shit is going down in the world right now, yeah i think insensitive stuff like that has no place...
  2. tmsowacl


    @chrona ok one how do you openly support denial of basic human rights, and two you're missing the point of my comment in general. my point was that even if it was a joke it just shouldnt have been said at all, this platform isnt the place for that. fools out here just tryna read some slasher...
  3. tmsowacl


    its kinda insane how shit like this is allowed to be posted in the current age. couldnt give a fuck about what you think about trans people its just annoying that its even present in something completely unrelated to the series at all on top of you just coming off as extremely edgy.