@Jacough The series pretty much stopped being anything good the second Naoko died. Before it was a fun, gory slasher with the killer being easy to sympathize with despite her murders so you wanted to see her give these people what they deserved. She dies and now it's just... kind of a series of events starring a character who was fine as the POV character but who's absolutely garbage as the actual driving force. He's just a cheap and really fucking annoyingly incompetent knockoff of his predecessor and the whole story becomes about this big grand conspiracy.
It's like the writer got close to the end, realized it was popular and instead of just ending it anyway at a point where it naturally would stop he decided to do what he could to extend it until it stops being popular. I'm sure once Naruto dies there'll be some deeper level of conspiracy or some other bullshit to justify keeping this going and continuing to follow Kazuya as this Joker wannabe knockoff Pumpkin Night or something.