I feel bad for all scanlators and translators... I mean authors too, because you know, their work is taken too. But really, why should they get paid for stealing others' work?? The world's not fair...
I recognize the cover artist and their wonderful work, but the style is totally different for the webtoon artist, it's a huge difference from what I imagined...
I read it for Toboso Yana's character design... and it's a bit cliche but not too bad! I've only seen like 3 figure skating manga before, so it's great to see more!
My mother also passed away recently, and I'm only 17. She was also Christian and had a sickness, cancer, multiple cancers really. I hope you feel better soon, and that the numbness fades.
ugh, the watermarks... they're bound to repost, just tell them to read in mangadex. Thank you for your efforts, but really, the reposters aren't gonna stop.