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  1. G

    Boy's Abyss - Vol. 4 Ch. 31 - Years and Years

    @JakalDX A form of you abuse where an abuser makes their victim thinks they have gone crazy. They do this by manipulating information to get the victim to question their own judgement and have the victims depend on them.
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    One Punch Man (Webcomic/Original) - Ch. 133

    Poor Garou, poor poor violent criminal must suck to get beaten up while trying to do your job 😥. Seriously, for all that he has done he deserved it.
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    Fire Force - Vol. 27 Ch. 238 - That Figure

    @EdenSphinz To my knowledge Japanese spirituality or rather eastern spirituality in generally doesn't have the whole great evil vs great good motif. They don't really have a belief that God will triumph over evil and all that. I don't even think Japan has an equivalate to angels
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    SHY - Vol. 6 Ch. 49 - All is Finite

    @Tamerlane That's simple when all that bad stuff is some else problem. Good and evil tends to be defined by the winners. And by winning I mean bring up the losers misdeeds while covering up your own even if your people did the something.
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    Musume no Tomodachi - Vol. 6 Ch. 49 - Deviant

    Can't really blame her for freezing up. They got caught kissing in a public park by her control freak mother, there isn't much if anything she can do to deescalate the situation. Doesn't help that the mother is the right this time. He had chances to break it off but didn't.
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    Necromance - Vol. 4 Ch. 31.2 - Imminent Danger

    hooray it's the guy friend in a romance series that nobody cares about
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    SHY - Vol. 5 Ch. 37 - The Shinobi and I by the River

    Don't see the point of having a dude hanging around so he will likely get killed off.
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    SHY - Vol. 5 Ch. 34 - Heart Blade

    The ninja guy is damn annoying. Can he just get the crap beaten out of him and realize he has no place to stay.
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    Uzaki-chan wa Asobitai! - Vol. 5 Ch. 48 - Kouhai and Kouhai's Family

    How many brain cells does this family collectively have?
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    Uzaki-chan Wants to Hang Out! - Vol. 5 Ch. 47 - Kouhai and Kouhai's Dad

    Guess this is the authors way of saying "yeah had some fun teasing Oyakodon but now lets put that to rest"
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    Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon - Vol. 10 Ch. 93 - Azad and Georgie 2

    I still think Azad should have died in despair for the shit he pulled. He got off to easy and doesn't deserve a happy ending.