geese being a better father in 1 day than paul being a father for 10 years. you know its bad when other characters besides the son are calling paul out on his shit.
@A-tan I agree the outcasts forming a village was the best goal they could have done. Having a oasis in a middle of apex predator apocalypse/skidaddle skidoodle all your water is now poison is extremely hard to bounce back from.
I love your idea of faputa becoming a team member, because now...
this chapter is just the village getting destroyed and realizing that being in a forest filled with predators isn't a good place to be in. faputa having some epiphany over having stuff is better than not having stuff is completely side-steps by all the villages just giving themselves to her just...
welp, time to hold a position, cause as many casualties to the attackers and move positions. i really didn't think the inquisition was playing any roll in the empire post emperor son's takeover.
OH SHIT, half the city is gone and the paranormal army might have been killed by that too and on top of that, the new all-for-one can buff his new quirk ability to thanos everything.