Cyril and Sofia's relationship seems very different to the webnovel... In the webnovel Cyril seemed a lot more fond and loyal to Sofia in the novel while in the manga it feels like his biggest reason for being her butler is to avoid his own death flags.
Is it just me?
Kind of wish that her scar didn't just disappear like that. It would've added a layer to the story if she still had to deal with her scar and the discrimination/feelings of inferiority that came along with it after she wakes up.
So.... If Jason was their guardian then where was he all their life? Aren't guardians supposed to stay by their master's side to protect him? What possible reason would even make sense for why he wasn't there?
I like how she calmly and coldly analyzes and executes her plans. I hope that even if she goes through character development this aspect doesn't change.
Thanks for the chapter!