What was the point of the disguise? Everyone immediately knew it was her as soon as they even looked in her direction.
The guards even said, "I finally found you," without even looking at her face.
Ah well, the end result of the changing scene was pretty good, so I'll let it slide. :meguusmug:
AWOOOGA eyes roll out of head AWOOOGA Tongue rolls out of mouth
I just wanted to be funny, if im being honest I don't think it looks that good on her. :nyoron:
So, if I'm reading this correctly :thonk:
They pulled his pants down and made fun of his small penis and forcefully showed him a pornographic video. (I'm assuming it disgusted him as he has previously mentioned it does.). This led to him finally accepting his transition?
Whoa, this is heading to close to home. I don't really have gender dysphoria though, so maybe it's fine :thonk:
It would be nice to be androgynous though. :aquadrink:
They definitely cranked up the horny moments. It feels almost inconceivable that the MC is looking at his sisters this much.
Maybe I'm overestimating high school kids, but it can't be that hard to just enjoy the water and have fun?
The worst part of Persona was forgetting to save and dying. It would send me back to my last save, which was usually an hour ago. I'd redo everything hoping I got the rare enemies to drop their rare items for a stupid quest. I should've learned from this, but I kept doing it even Persona 5...
They never did address the issue with the dwindling number of stores in Inaba. I assume families left the countryside after that, so eventually, that's just gonna be a ghost town.
Now that I think about it... we did see the same handful of people every day...