Only green and yellow are normal lol. Pink probably too. It's yellow in it too with yumeko? Since he's her boss...
Red = Psycho
Blue = Short fused dirty mouth (roleplays stoic lol)
Saw it coming with Ryujin! He be spying on D hehe...
I'm ok with the politics and the scheming.
The Titans fights are just boring, not drawn very dynamically and just brawling around slowly. Like omg my peepee has more output than yours, so I win. That kind of lameness...
My brain is hurt. There's too much secret hiding for the sake of secret hiding (stupid premise) and I can't keep track of them... Just messes me up. That said, it's not that funny either. It feels like something that caters to people with a fetish of girls roleplaying uncomfortably in...