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  1. TroubleFait

    RuriDragon - Vol. 2 Ch. 14 - Je veux en savoir plus sur toi, Maeda

    Ouais je confirme, Maeda est une vraie c***asse. Bon au moins elle va pas à l'initiative pour attaquer les gens.
  2. TroubleFait

    RuriDragon - Vol. 2 Ch. 13 - Pas besoin d'être meilleures potes

    Désolé Maeda, mais à la place de Ruri j'aurais jamais accepté tes "excuses." Sérieusement, elle a été détestable depuis le début.
  3. TroubleFait

    Haru to Natsu - Vol. 1 Ch. 3

    Haruna really deserves him, screw her sister.
  4. TroubleFait

    Kyou mo Kitansu ka, Yoda-senpai. - Vol. 2 Ch. 31

    Imagine failing so hard at being a parent that you prefer other kids to your own, and not seeing where you're in the wrong.
  5. TroubleFait

    Neko no Te datte Yaku ni Tatsu - Ch. 237 - (Senior) Auntie Grin

    I stand with the auntie, this is fun.
  6. TroubleFait

    Neko no Te datte Yaku ni Tatsu - Ch. 165 - Doggo

    I don't get it. How should it have been translated? What was written in the original and what did it mean?
  7. TroubleFait

    Neko no Te datte Yaku ni Tatsu - Ch. 160 - Fully motivated

    I don't get why people get so worked up about the hypocrisy plot thread. She's a complex person, she might say contradictory things, so what? It's not earth-shattering plot-shattering.
  8. TroubleFait

    Neko no Te datte Yaku ni Tatsu - Ch. 155 - It's okay if I approach you instead

    She's getting scolded, I like that she owns it. "You're right," damn right he is but not many will admit to it in her situation I feel.
  9. TroubleFait


    Is anyone translating chapter 3?
  10. TroubleFait

    Cool na Doukyuusei no ◯◯ Nengo… - Ch. 94

    All this time, he learned. When he attacked her with sweets, it was as good as won.
  11. TroubleFait

    Neko no Te datte Yaku ni Tatsu - Ch. 128 - About what?

    "I'm glad this left you in an emotionally vulnerable position so I can take you for myself! 😇 / 😈"
  12. TroubleFait

    I ran a year-long experiment where I kept adblock off. I ended the experiment today because the advertisers have taken it one step too far

    It makes sense for a game to not actually be free though. The system would be much healthier if games had an upfront cost instead of this free-to-pay nonsense.
  13. TroubleFait

    Neko no Te datte Yaku ni Tatsu - Ch. 123 - Self-interest

    The analogy shows you don't see the situation the same way we do. In your example, a thief hates thieves, which can be hypocritical if he doesn't hate himself. In the manga, Mii-chan says she hates being treated as a cat, but then go to a cat cafe. If she hates being at the cat cafe but does it...
  14. TroubleFait

    Neko no Te datte Yaku ni Tatsu - Ch. 123 - Self-interest

    She doesn't hate being treated as a cat... She hates being treated only as a cat, by the MC. She wants him to see her as a human but he's only interested by the cat, that's why she's upset.
  15. TroubleFait

    Neko no Te datte Yaku ni Tatsu - Ch. 122 - Just out of curiosity

    Wait, that was not some weird hentai thing? The Japanese really have a folklore story about that??
  16. TroubleFait

    Neko no Te datte Yaku ni Tatsu - Ch. 65 - Precisely why you can't

    That part is thoughtlessly cruel, that's right. And there he's even more thoughtless and cruel. That would be downright unacceptable if not for the owner kinda roping him into it, and as Mii asks him to reconsider he should say no. It's her place, not his. But Mii has to realise, she's the one...
  17. TroubleFait

    Neko no Te datte Yaku ni Tatsu - Ch. 54 - Checkmate

    And yet she approached him as a cat without him knowing she's a human. It's like when a guy approaches a girl as a friend, but really he was in love with her all along. When he confesses and she replies, "I see you as a friend," he doesn't have any right to be angry at her.