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    Majo Taisen - The War of Greedy Witches - Vol. 1 Ch. 2 - Battle Wardrobe

    @ZanaduKhan It's East and West as "entrances", i.e. East Side/West Side like the red corner and blue corner in boxing
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    Ad Astra - Scipio and Hannibal - Vol. 13 Ch. 78 - Battle of Zama: Warrior of Principle

    I wonder if we'll get the epilogue of the rumoured "best General discussions" between Hannibal and Scipio later on in their lives
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    Ad Astra - Scipio and Hannibal - Vol. 11 Ch. 64 - Marcellus' Gift

    My crowning achievement is coming boys
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    One Punch Man (Webcomic/Original) - Ch. 128

    @ilvanezzo You misunderstand, Fubuki was a leader to get power/rankings (and Bang/AS to share their styles), but SM and CE worked for the benefit of the organization in terms of PR, fundraising, organising etc.
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    One Punch Man (Webcomic/Original) - Ch. 128

    Blue is just the classic shounen protag it seems, the "son of a hero, I do this for justice" guy to Genos "my sad backstory drives me" shounen antihero.