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    Hajirau Kimi ga Mitainda - Ch. 78.1 - The Ultimate Wank...? Nay! The Supreme Wank!

    Let's get that outrage goin'! Come on! At least 100 posts, let's go!
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    A Splendid Revenge Story of a Super-Dreadnought Cheat Villainess - Vol. 4 Ch. 16 - I Forgive You

    the ENTIRETY of the reason why I read this series is because of the exaggerated facial expressions. This chapter cooks.
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    Shi ni Modori Oujo wa Ikinobiru Tameni Yuri Harem wo Tsukuru Koto ni Shita - Ch. 6 - Even Though I Had My Eye on Miss Yuuki First

    If she goes for the maid, the girl might kill her. If she goes for the girl, the maid might kill her. Tricky.
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    Takane no Hana wa Midaresaki - Ch. 71 - Your Prisoner

    Probably got it from Record of Lodoss War.
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    The S-Class Lady - Vol. 2 Ch. 54

    I'm talking about the scan team's complaint about their drive failing.
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    The S-Class Lady - Vol. 2 Ch. 54

    I'd've cracked open the lappy and re-seated the hard drive- or did the same if it were an external. Windows does that sort of thing sometimes if there isn't a solid connection with the hard drive. Like, "I think there's a hard drive here? Maybe?" It's even worse if it's an external, because...
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    Akebi-chan no Sailor Fuku - Vol. 15 Ch. 82 - Are You Toying With Me?

    I got it. It took me a couple of rereads because I'm an idiot, but I got it. It's playing out just like what we see. Like, Erika and Akebi are making the videos to build tension and anticipation for the festival. Hiro is doing the exact same thing with the chapters to build anticipation with...
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    Anata ga Shite Kurenakute mo - Vol. 13 Ch. 93

    So how many months before they decide to release another chapter?
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    Akebi-chan no Sailor Fuku - Vol. 15 Ch. 82 - Are You Toying With Me?

    Akebi's smile on page 12 goddamn that's just criminal.
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    Someone's Girlfriend - Ch. 56 - Nothing Left to Give

    No they don't. I was a teenager once, and I've raised four of my own. Once they turn into raging inferno of hormones, reason and morality go right out the fucking window. I acknowledge my stupidity while in the clutches of the teenage condition. I'm pretty sure teenagers are all of the above...
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    Someone's Girlfriend - Ch. 56 - Nothing Left to Give

    In high school? In a heartbeat. I remember what it was like being a constantly, desperately, endlessly horny teenager. I'll make no apologies, I would have sold my family to a cannibal if the pussy was that good. I would not have cared about any consequences- especially between the ages of...
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    Hajirau Kimi ga Mitainda - Ch. 77.2 - Sticky

    Come on come on come on Let's get the OUTRAGE going! I only follow this sloop to read the OUTRAGE posts! I need my fix!
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    Ryuu to Ayumu Nariagari Boukensha-dou ~Youzumi toshite S-Rank Party kara Tsuihou Sareta Kaifuku Majutsushi, Suterareta Saki de Saikyou no Shinryuu o …

    The thing about the Japanese is that they believe that the opposite of 'love' isn't 'hate', it's indifference . That's why we don't see vengeance too much- an enlightened person won't seek a violent retribution but show that they're truly disengaged and indifferent. It's also why characters that...
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    Someone's Girlfriend - Vol. 6 Ch. 55 - Just the two of us at school at night...

    That's what usually happens. teenagers aren't known for rational decision making.