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  1. Animeace


    74 is out but we had trouble acquiring it. It was out of print so we had to aquire it used global shipping. That said we are very much up to date on chaps. Young king is a monthly magazine and hirano usually takes 2-3 breaks between chapters thus why we get a chap every 4 months or so. It sucks...
  2. Animeace


    We are up to date on chapters working on 74 there is no chapter 75 currently its been two months without a new chapter. Just check the young king website and you can see that it has not been listed in toc and its a monthly publication so if hirano takes one issue off from monthly publication it...
  3. Animeace


    @tanooki your welcome to come on board and help out anytime. However the accent will stay its the translators decision.
  4. Animeace


    @Mortaze yes if you base it on chapters hirano does a chap every 3 months thats 4 chaps a year and togashi puts out around 9 a year at least the last two years.XD
  5. Animeace


    I hope so but they released 13 and 14 as ovas so im not sure theres just not much material it be a weird place to stop off at for 13 epsiodes.
  6. Animeace


    Your welcome
  7. Animeace


    Yeah tho 73 will be out next month luckily. HIrano takes more hiatus than Hunter X Hunter LOL
  8. Animeace


    @Shuzuchi its been explained before the anime covers up to cahpter 104 thats where he picked it up he had no interest in doing the older chaps. The plan is to do those but right im just working with what i have. Ive worked on older chaps before but because s2scans didnt want to do a joint and...
  9. Animeace

    Animeace Scans

    @Tymanao I would love to do the all chapters and complete this series and i am trying to recruit however it has been hard to maintain interest and a translator for this series in the past so i cant say for certain. It all depends on the demand lots of comments and views will help get it the...
  10. Animeace

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