Search results

  1. Pika

    Another spam user!:fixed:

    Get lucky and viruses! Jokes aside, I don't know what the site is, since the link expander couldn't expand it and I don't wanna click on it
  2. Pika

    Problems with access

    @mariopepper Maybe it's the cloudflare problem? But I thought that was fixed a few days ago
  3. Pika

    Eh... Did I break the CSS?

    I posted in this thread, what i did is type without any breaks and made it a long string and the container stretched Edit: I'm using Chrome Version 73.0.3683.103 if you needed to know
  4. Pika

    Additional manga covers for republished manga

    I've stumbled upon an extra cover of Sayuri, but the cover is for a bundled version of the same manga (two volumes in one). So here's the catch, there's not really a volume number for a bundled version, so I just put "1+2" as volume number. But this made the complete edition go between volume 1...
  5. Pika

    Which edited SFX do you like to see the most in manga?

    Well, you might have already seen Ero-Otoko's guide to scanlation. But how do you like to see sounds effects the most? Open the spoilers to see a slight nsfw edited SFX of Ero-Otoko's guide The numbers correspond with the numbers in Ero-Otoko's guide
  6. Pika

    Stumbled upon a DDoS protector

    I have no idea how this might help, I mean Cloudflare probs already does it, but I saw somewhere else mentioning something about DDoS protection and there was this open source code to protect you from DDoS. Maybe it can help
  7. Pika

    Mention with the last post on a page in a thread bug?

    When you got mentioned, you'll get a little notification. If you go to the notification and press the thread that you were mentioned and the person that mentioned you is in the last post of the page, then you'll be directed to the thread but empty. You can still see the menu above like...
  8. Pika

    Too long string search causes internal server error (500)

    If you search for a string that's too long (author, manga or artist search), you'll get a server 500 error. Example when clicking on the author or artist
  9. Pika

    Inverted order in chapter comments?

    When you go to the comments in a manga chapter the order is newest->oldest (newest on top and descending to oldest), but if you were mentioned (with the @) and got a notification and went to the comments via the notification, the order of the comments would be oldest->newest.
  10. Pika

    Able to easily see the thread author in forums

    Sometimes I'd like to see what the author of a thread posted without keeping track of his name or scrolling back upwards, maybe a small simple indicator would help (like a [A] or something)? I hope I didn't misread anything in the megathread
  11. Pika

    Wonky CSS when the window is smaller

    The "7 days" button in top chapters will jut out, maybe changing the text to "7d" will help? Edit: if the window is smaller than 785px
  12. Pika

    Unable to add MAL link

    It seems to be impossible to add a MAL link if there is no MU link beforehand. It says save has been changed, but the link is nowhere to be found and if you go back to the edit page, you can see that the MAL link was not saved. This problem can be circumvented by adding a MU link first and then...
  13. Pika

    Bullet points doesn't seem to work well in the synopsis

    The bullet points in a manga synopsis in detailled view seem to overlap with the picture.