@Luca44 yeah, I know that, but it feels like they just random people that happen getting tortured by a bad guy to me, because there is no build-up relationship with the MC and why we must care in the first place.
on top of that, we already know our MC can stream rolled all the baddies that only...
tbh for me, this "revenge" become less and less impactful, the princess chapter is the most satisfying revenge on this series IMO because they already establish the personal tension between the evil princess and MC and why we should care about the MC in the first place, and now it's just "Hey...
how can you guys not bore with this cheap type of villain tho??? i know the point, but at least make different maybe??? not pussy out at the end and die fighting the hero even it was useless???
This is getting stale really, everytime MC meet with his former "comrade" shit just like "Yes i am the one who make you life edgier MC-kun and i am a bad guy!!". I hope in the future one of his former comrade has nothing to do with princess and side with MC-kun you know to replace the princess...
What should MC do?
Noob Gamer Move : wank your magic power in the middle of your enemy teritorry "i'll show you who da boss" and kill many people as possible!
Pro Gamer Move : influenced all humanity to rebel againts empire by witches dindu nuffin or witches lives matter move, sit down and see...
Wanted to read some historical manga and it's just another nipwank mango, i dropped this garbage after see TEH SAMURI shoot down full plate armor guy in the chest with NIP Matchlock what a joke! The Author cultural insecurity are showing.
clearly the author only practised SCA, they just bashing each other on the armor, while the real armored combat HEMA will targeted the gap on the armor. and the knight wank autism in this manga is too cringe.