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  1. H

    Twin Cake - Vol. 1 Ch. 4

    I like where this could go
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    Alright bruv I need some manga

    Space adventure cobra
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    Is it really alright to mark a series as dropped if it hasn't been given a fair shot?

    I never drop anything because i would never finish anything if i did. If you're getting sick of a serries alternate between watching an anime/reading the manga or something like that
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    The Politics Megathread

    @stupid_Goo they're toxic because they care. Playing with people who don't care sucks hard. Too much indifference/good feelings leads to a dead game
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    why so much yaoi?

    I thought this was a personal attack on my watchlist, and their is so much yaoi because that's what random gives me. It's impossible to do anything mafia related without the gay because they all take influence from the fist of the northstar prequal
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    The Politics Megathread

    Give your thoughts on it first so their is something to discuss. Throwing out random topics in the air is extremely lazy. Democracy doesn't work because it requires too much time investment to know whos who and whats what. Once a country gets too big It's almost guaranteed to collapse due to...
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    Your challenge is to turn someone off from anime forever. What anime/episode of an anime would you show them to do that?

    Euphoria does what it does extremely well. It's a less child friendly version of saw
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    Reading progress should be updated AFTER completing a chapter.

    I don't see how it's a problem. Since it's consistent, it's extremely easy to work with
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    First Letter Game

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    i need the sl anime

    Blocked by who?
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    Cold hearted main characters please?
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    Tell us, what's bothering you ?

    Hit the random button @kaizzzzz
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    What trope in anime that was weird to you at the start and still weird to this day?

    @kaldrak kids have faster reflexes and are far better at adapting to new situations
  14. H

    Tell us, what's bothering you ?

    I found a comment...That was edited by mangaDex. Conspiracy confirmed
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    Tomb Raider King - Ch. 184

    @osqmu each relic has its own risk. Rope chan has the risk of compliments. The best thing about the manga is you never know if the mc is going full retard or playing 10d chess
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    Tsuki to Koi wa Michireba Kakeru - Ch. 3

    My headcanon of this is it ends in an orgy of sciszoring proportions
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    shitpost here

    Corporations control what's cool. To not be cool is to not be a shill. #loser4life
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    shitpost here

    Slimeys...Well that's nice