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    Dear Door - Ch. 13

    The last panel is pure gold. 👌
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    Living With Him

    A BL without any kind of aggressive possessiveness, selfish threats, or overemphasised social anxiety. Rare piece, with a clean type of art.
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    Hinemosu no Tari Kimi to Boku - Ch. 1

    That escalated quickly 😳
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    Kyouken Hachiko

    Iberiko wibes, good All other stuff are not so good
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    Sonokoi, Jihanki de Kaemasuka? - Vol. 1 Ch. 4 - + chapter 5

    I love how it shows that adult love can be awkward and embarrassing. It's refreshingly real, but not clichéd. LOVE IT! Clumsy love rulz.
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    Kyouken Hachiko - Vol. 1 Ch. 1

    Sorry, did I miss the comedy or the furry redneck tag?! I wanna unsee this sooo bad.
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    What was the last thing that made you drop a series (for whatever reason)?

    Black Clover - I got creeped out by the inverse-panda-face guy, and got bored after the 110something episode. Also, zero character development regarding mentality or personality of the characters. Did I mention it was boring? Rainbow - I plan to rewatch it till the end, if I ever get enough...
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    Japan Sinks 2020

    I didn't like it one bit. *Spoiler is coming* Significant characters around MC are all "everyday heros" , they lay down their life for a sweet, innocent little girl who survives it all, losing half of her leg because she's so shy and considerate that doesn't want to drag down others with...
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    Suggest some 'Mystery' 'Psychological' anime

    Psycho-pass Kamisama no memochu Gosick one more vote to Ghost in the shell and Monster Steins;Gate0 Ereased (not sure about the mystery genre, but definitely psychological) Classroom of the elite
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    Exiled Rebels Scanlations

    Hi, I'm not sure if this is the right place for this, but thank you ERS-guys. I love your work, it's clean, flows good, noted in detail but not over-explained. The chat screenshots in the end of chapters are special treat, always provide some extra kinky-lol moments. THANK YOU <3