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    Reports refused?

    Was wondering about two old reports of mine that weren't accepted: Seven Sisters! - Manga has 8 chapters total, yet "Final chapter" says that chapter 6 is the last one, and the one marked with "END" tag is chapter 6. What gives? Keikenzumi na Kimi to, Keiken Zero na Ore ga, Otsukiai suru...

    Markdown escaping [Fixed]

    It doesn't look like it's possible to escape markdown right now (aside from putting it inside CODE BB-tag): \> Escaped \> Escaped \*Escaped\* \*\*Escaped\*\* \*\*\*Escaped\*\*\* \Escaped\ \\*Escaped\\* \\\Escaped\\\ \* Escaped \* Escaped \* Escaped \* Escaped Or maybe there is a way?

    Page bar missing on Firefox

    Yesterday noticed that the page bar (i.e. that thing at the bottom that shows the current page, how many pages are loaded, allows switching easily, etc.) is missing. Seems to be working on Chrome, though.

    Per-manga language settings :rejected: :maybe:

    I'd like to have an option to set custom language filters per-manga (as exclusions, sorta). Right now i have Russian and English set in "Filter chapter languages", but i actually prefer reading manga in English, and i'm only interested in Russian releases only when i'm not satisfied with English...

    Tooltips for list items

    Due to space constraints titles (for series and chapters) and group names (maybe something else?) in lists frequently get cut off. It would be nice if we were given a tooltip on mouseover when that happens. Not exactly sure what to do with collaborating groups though - maybe shrink each one...

    Comments in comment sections of deleted chapters have different URL then section itself :fixed:

    Received notification for mention in the comment section of the deleted chapter. Notification led to a page without comments However, comment section for this chapter is located at As it turns out all comments in this section have URLs like this Substituting section id in comment URL doesn't...