Search results

  1. Hexenkessel

    RSS Clients War!

    rss is old, you are old. nobody needs it. give us a push endpoint
  2. Hexenkessel

    What keeps you awake?/The things that won't go away,/gnawing at your mind.

    Trent wants to have a word with you
  3. Hexenkessel

    Conspiracy Theorising

    trick question because conspiracy beliefs are contested by its virtue, contesting beliefs and require a group buy-in my conspiracy: OP is a fedposter
  4. Hexenkessel

    Find artists from song file

    No lyrics, that would have been one of the places I wouldve searched first
  5. Hexenkessel

    Find artists from song file

    No metadata Some obscure college rock, nothing else Its a super long shot
  6. Hexenkessel

    Find artists from song file

    So I just found this old mp3 on my external harddrive that i really like, but i have no idea which interpret its from is there some google reverse image search but for music? Especially obscure music?
  7. Hexenkessel

    Your Modded Comments

    I dont get it, which posts are modded and what does that mean
  8. Hexenkessel

    How do you find people to play with on MMO's?

    you can definitely do it in MMOs, I played Rift a lot and many players are super open and chatty if you hit them up from all the places where your anxiety hinders you to approach people, MMOs should be the last place
  9. Hexenkessel

    How do you find people to play with on MMO's?

    there are more people like that around than you might think
  10. Hexenkessel

    How do you find people to play with on MMO's?

    Usually you just play them a lot, eventually you find people with guilds in their tags that are not just AFKing all the time, and if you ask them to join up rarely do they reject players
  11. Hexenkessel

    Threads most likely to come back from a V5 forum update purge.

    Hopefully signatures stay away forever
  12. Hexenkessel

    hardest music on earth

    Hardest as in hard to play?