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    Akebi-chan no Sailor Fuku - Vol. 9 Ch. 54 - I... Overheard

    "What is love ?" The thing that just happened on that last page, that's what.
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    Akebi-chan no Sailor Fuku - Vol. 1 Ch. 6 - See You Tomorrow

    I love how Erika is the only one who get colors when Komichi enumerate her classmates' names.
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    Akebi-chan no Sailor Fuku - Vol. 15 Ch. 82 - Are You Toying With Me?

    By the moon, that smile on page 12 nearly killed me ! The next chapter can't come too soon...
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    Watashi ga Koibito ni Nareru Wake Naijan, Muri Muri! (Muri Janakatta!?) - Vol. 4 Ch. 38 - Ch. 38

    Those few phone calls and one on one conversation they had felt a lot more genuine than whatever happened with Mai or Satsuki. Which are, for Mai : confessing out of the blue, then getting rejected. Instead of accepting it and trying to win her over gradually as her friend, came up with some...
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    Watashi ga Koibito ni Nareru Wake Naijan, Muri Muri! (Muri Janakatta!?) - Vol. 4 Ch. 27

    Gah, just date Ajisai already and leave the other two to be toxic to each other ! :qq:
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    Watashi ga Koibito ni Nareru Wake Naijan, Muri Muri! (Muri Janakatta!?) - Vol. 3 Ch. 24

    I swear Ajisai seems to be the only decent girl around... And with how things are going, I'm starting to worry that even her is, like, a yandere or something under the facade. Xx
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    Watashi ga Koibito ni Nareru Wake Naijan, Muri Muri! (Muri Janakatta!?) - Vol. 2 Ch. 14

    At this point, I'm hoping Renako will go for Ajisai. Mai is always completely ignoring Renako's feeling and pushing hers on her without a care. That slap was frankly long overdue.
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    Doushitara Osananajimi ♀️ no Kanojo ni Naremasu Ka!? - Vol. 5 Ch. 28

    I have mixed feelings about this series... It was definitely dragged too long with the "she confessed, but it went over her head" and it made the pacing really frustrating right to the end. :/ Would have been better for them to get together several chapters ago and have some dedicated to them...
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    Pest ga Aketara Asobimashou! ~Chuusei Europa Sekai to Gendai Bunmei Slow Life~ - Vol. 1 Ch. 5 - Yakiniku

    The manga official website has it tagged as yuri, so there should be some development down the road. We're 5 chapters in, let the author cook. ^^
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    Age Gap Sisters Who Have Reached That Age - Vol. 1 Ch. 16 - Forgive Me

    And then, they had lots of forgiveness.
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    Detective Conan - Vol. 27 Ch. 269 - Time Limit

    I'm aware, but when it's related to murder, I'd expect detectives on the case to try and find any possible association. :p
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    Kenshi wo Mezashite Nyuugaku shita no ni Mahou Tekisei 9999 nan desu kedo!? - Ch. 63 - Forward, into the unknown!

    The queen did complain a lot about being shrunk on the early chapter. I guess she just gave up knowing the sage wouldn't fix her no matter what and the spell would dispel itself in due time. Me, I don't mind at all if she stay that way, she's just too cute. ^^
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    Kenshi wo Mezashite Nyuugaku shita no ni Mahou Tekisei 9999 nan desu kedo!? - Ch. 57 - The... Ultimate Weapon!?

    The fanservice getting a bit much there, yeah... Meanwhile, Laura starting the yuripocalypse in her classroom. XD
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    Inkya Gyaru demo Ikigaritai! - Vol. 2 Ch. 14 - Getting a Sketchy Offer From Someone Next to You in a Cafe Would Make Anyone Uncomfortable.

    Thanks for the update, it's nice to see those two again ^^ btw, the nameplate of the club they went to at the end is something like "international charity club" (litteraly charity without frontiers in french)
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    Kenshi wo Mezashite Nyuugaku shita no ni Mahou Tekisei 9999 nan desu kedo!? - Ch. 38 - An Unexpected Homecoming

    I'm pretty sure Laura's bed is much wider than that futon, so they should have all been able to fit on it better than on the floor XD
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    Uchi no Meido ga Uzasugiru - Vol. 7 Ch. 39

    Kamoi-san : "Oh, a present for me !"
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    Kenshi wo Mezashite Nyuugaku shita no ni Mahou Tekisei 9999 nan desu kedo!? - Ch. 34 - The Decisive Battle! VS "The Great Sage"!?

    I feel bad for Anna and Charlotte for a different reason : they don't get to show off the result of their training in this chapter. ><
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    Kenshi wo Mezashite Nyuugaku shita no ni Mahou Tekisei 9999 nan desu kedo!? - Vol. 3 Ch. 12 - Father "Serious Mode"!

    Charlotte already calling Laura's mom "mother", she knows what she wants XD
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    Choir! - Vol. 3 Ch. 45 - Shirayuki ☆ The Strongest -WARNING!!-

    This was a long road to see it completed, scanlation wise. Bit sad the ending was more about gasuko rather than the main pairing, but well, we got a marriage ending, I guess... Kinda ?