negi really know how to make it interesting, it's unguessable whether the boy really die or not since it's still only 5 chapters and Im not really sure he's the protagonist or not
lmao this is even worse than she already have a husband, she already become a single mother, Im not necessarily saying that single mother is something bad, but it's also not rare that single mother is just a "cumdump" of an as*hole, also not everyone prepared/able to accept single mother as...
Nah, there's none of this about revenge, he will just continue to prove himself. The demon king himself isn't really hate human and already forgot why are demon fighting against human. Tho that's what makes this better, no edgy revenge
c'mon guys, chills, we all know this mc aren't someone who will be easily fall for any women, he just accompanying his co-worker meet his match up girl in the dating app, it's not like he's gonna use that app to search for another women, also by helping his co-worker he probably gonna be able to...
I like the fact that author didn't portray evil people as something that always rotten to the core, they also human which make them also able to feel what normal ppl feel, tho it doesn't justify any of their evil doing