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  1. Nwm14

    Maou to Yuri - Vol. 2 Ch. 5 - A Swimsuit Chapter Filled With Consort (Candidate)s

    the manga was compeleted and here the site with all the raws
  2. Nwm14

    Maou to Yuri

    not too sure but the manga was compeleted and but all eps are out but the group translating it just drop it i guess, but heres the site with all the raws:
  3. Nwm14

    A Yuri Manga That Starts With Getting Rejected in a Dream (Pre-serialization)

    it was serialized so it's under the JP name of it instead
  4. Nwm14

    Akumu no Rakuen - Ch. 2.3

    from my understanding and of what was said from the authors notes, Anna was basicily never a real person, and it possible that what we see of Anna in our world were just fake memories made by the demon queen to lure Saku which is why Anna forgets them since they didn't exist in the first place...
  5. Nwm14

    Akuyaku Reijou Tensei Oji-san - Vol. 1 Ch. 7

    its gone now, heres a soundcloud link to the saizansu:
  6. Nwm14

    What Happens Inside the Dungeon - Vol. 1 Ch. 110 - Final Chapter

    whoa this was quick the journey and quick a surprising way for how the story started and end but goddam i loved every last moment i had reading this thank you author for making this and to all the people who tranlated this story!!
  7. Nwm14

    What Happens Inside the Dungeon - Vol. 1 Ch. 101

    fuck man... this is hitting way too hard
  8. Nwm14

    What Happens Inside the Dungeon - Vol. 1 Ch. 59

    man knows what he wants
  9. Nwm14

    That Time I Was Blackmailed By the Class's Green Tea Bitch - Ch. 37

    This was pretty fun to read....but yeah a lot of problems were just kinda left in the air with no real resovle and the endding was...well quite underwillming and defently felt rushed too but aye im glad the two of them are back together at the end💕💕
  10. Nwm14

    That Time I Was Blackmailed By the Class's Green Tea Bitch - Ch. 36

    If it wasn't bad enough how much of a piece shit Lin mom is she even admits that she see being gay as a diesease and barly see her child as a acutally person then a doll she can order around
  11. Nwm14

    That Time I Was Blackmailed By the Class's Green Tea Bitch - Ch. 34

    Final time for enterance exam! god i really hate think about exam..... but this one is for their relationship so this is gonna be tough to see😖
  12. Nwm14

    That Time I Was Blackmailed By the Class's Green Tea Bitch - Ch. 35

    THEY PASSED LETS GOOOO!!😭😭💕💕 also damn i'm feeling Lin friend right now😔✋
  13. Nwm14

    That Time I Was Blackmailed By the Class's Green Tea Bitch - Ch. 33

    Jesus no wonder she make things so miserable 😡
  14. Nwm14

    That Time I Was Blackmailed By the Class's Green Tea Bitch - Ch. 32

    Goddam Tong Tong mom is away there when she needs her, absoulutely love her!
  15. Nwm14

    That Time I Was Blackmailed By the Class's Green Tea Bitch - Ch. 30

    SHIT- oh god the mom knows....hope at least she make it out alive
  16. Nwm14

    That Time I Was Blackmailed By the Class's Green Tea Bitch - Ch. 29's already bad enough she has to deal with getting the highist scores for school but her family sitution is a huge mess with way more problems then i thought there were😟
  17. Nwm14

    That Time I Was Blackmailed By the Class's Green Tea Bitch - Ch. 28

    they're getting risky now oh boy
  18. Nwm14

    That Time I Was Blackmailed By the Class's Green Tea Bitch - Ch. 27

    yeah at this rate she gonna overwork herself to death..
  19. Nwm14

    That Time I Was Blackmailed By the Class's Green Tea Bitch - Ch. 26

    Lin is burning herself from all of this studying if not already.....