Search results

  1. NotGary

    dumbest/weirdest diet you guys have come across ?

    for me its gotta be the keto diet. I don't think willingly skipping out on a core component of the food pyramid in favor of a replacment is healthy in the long run. also special mention for any raw based diet, the human body has only seen positives from introducing cooked food in its diet and...
  2. NotGary

    what anime are you watching rn ?

    just wondering. rn I'm watching chromed sheeld regios. its alright, takes place on (what I'm assuming is) mars and inside mostly moving, domed cities. characters are alright, for once I'm somewhat interested in the romance. can't stand the gropping bitch tho. the world building is also a...
  3. NotGary

    anime you guys lowkey headcanon as happening in the 40k universe

    as the title said. comment on an anime you guys could see reasonably be happening in the 40k universe (from any era of the lore). I'll start with chrome shelled regios. I see it happening on mars during the age of strife. cause like, the anime straights up has machine spirits who are in part...
  4. NotGary

    post a Vehicle and I'll try turning it into a transforming robot

    as the title suggest. post any sort of Vehicle you'd like to see turned into a robot and I'll try my hand at doing it. you can give general design idea on what you want the final robot to look like.
  5. NotGary

    any games that you know aren't super good but you still like alot ?

    as the tutoe suggest. a game that's not considered really good or even passable but you still really like ? for me, it would have to be paper mario sticker stars and luigi's mansion 2 as prime examples. althought its mostly nostalgia on my part speaking.
  6. NotGary

    monstergirl themed talk thread.

    general thread for monstergirls in general cause aaprently there's only another one on this board and it's all about posting images. so, here's one for all your general thoughts about em. guess I'll start by asking y'all which type is your favorite and why ? for me its dragon girls, cause...