I think the only thing thats worse than the pain this chapter inflicted on me is realizing that september is one of the off months for the magazine so uuuuuuu. Who thought it was a good idea to make a manga magazine come out 10 times a year *sob*
I'm gonna be real with you there were a few chapters during that idol arc that I literally dont know what the hell happened because the translation was so hard to read and it just kinda depressed me and I just moved on. I don't really wanna harp on WH but it really seems like they did their best...
Oh thank god I was really hoping the anime would inspire someone to finally translate this with some actual effort. I really like this manga but goddamn if it wasn't depressing reading new chapters sometimes.
Who would've thought when I starting reading this cute little cleaning manga it would end the way it did. Good god I hated the endless 8 shit but the rape shit when we finally got out was even worse. rest in pieces.
It does seem odd that he wasn't worried about her dying unless you consider the fact that he thought the dreamworld... was you know a dream.
@kwijo It's more the risk involved. She loves having Jun as a friend and upgrading to romance is a good thing but if it dosen't work out generally the friendship is never the same.
I like how Tomoko is actually being a nice person for all the wrong reasons. I also especially like that emoji girl has turned into something somehow more volatile than tomoko herself somehow.