To those who wonder why the buses would stop running earlier on a weekend: I used to live in the countryside, and while I don't know about the public transportation situation in Japan, this is exactly what I would expect.
Buses where I lived were mainly used by people commuting to or from a city, so on weekdays they would start running early and stop running late. On weekends, you'd be lucky if there were three buses per day in either direction, and if you wanted to be out past late afternoon you'd better bring your own car.
Living in a more densely populated area, (and Tsubasa being from Tokyo), it's not all that surprising that they would forget to check the weekend bus schedule. Poor planning on their part, sure, but not surprising. Nice realism on the author's part for setting up the trope.
Speaking of tropes,
every genre relies on its tropes. That's how you recognise a genre. The real question is how those tropes are handled, and so far this manga has handled them very well, in my opinion.
...which is exactly why I have stayed with this manga. Thanks.