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  1. B

    Oishinbo - Vol. 15 Ch. 139 - New Year's Shrimp

    My gf's parents live about a 30 minute drive north of there.
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    Oishinbo - Vol. 15 Ch. 138 - The Mysterious Fried Chicken

    Okay, I've edited the pages to clear some of that up. Hopefully it's sufficient. One panel I was not able to fix because it would just completely fuck the art up and as I've explained, I really don't want to have to do that since I'm not an artist and could not fix erasing anything.
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    Oishinbo - Vol. 15 Ch. 138 - The Mysterious Fried Chicken

    Aw, damn it... Well, I'll get to it when I can. Thanks for letting me know.
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    Oishinbo - Vol. 15 Ch. 137 - The Warmth Of Downtown

    Yeah, well, I guess it could’ve been worse…
  5. B

    Thanks a lot!

    Thanks a lot!
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    Kaji Ryuusuke's Agenda - Vol. 3 Ch. 20 - No Way?...

    That might be an understatement...
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    Kaji Ryuusuke's Agenda - Vol. 3 Ch. 20 - No Way?...

    I did warn you that it might be worse than what you thought...
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    Oishinbo - Vol. 15 Ch. 136 - Hometown Song

    Okay, I've fixed the one page's TL, at least the panels that wouldn't completely destroy the art work.
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    Oishinbo - Vol. 15 Ch. 136 - Hometown Song

    So the MTL I use usually just refuses to translate the text that looks like that (anything bold or outside of panels) so what I’ll generally do is if I don’t recognize it, I’ll go to multiple other translation apps (this is what I do with the chapter titles). None of them were working. Two of...
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    Oishinbo - Vol. 15 Ch. 136 - Hometown Song

    Just watched it with my gf a few weeks ago. Episode 58. I’ve gotta say, as someone that loves accents and dialects, including my own (I love a good thick Yinzer accent), I really could not tell the difference between his accent and Yamaoka’s… Also, as far as the singing, I can’t say either of...
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    Oishinbo - Vol. 15 Ch. 136 - Hometown Song

    Yeah. This one's got that very 1980s attitude toward dieting.
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    Oishinbo - Vol. 15 Ch. 135 - Family Dining Table

    It’s actually served in the very first chapter (though Yamaoka slags it off as being inferior to Monkfish liver). In general, I'm not a fan of any kind of liver, but some people adore it.
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    Oishinbo - Vol. 15 Ch. 134 - Ultimate VS Supreme (Part 3)

    I imagine that was my machine fucking up. I'd have completely messed up the art trying to fix it because it bled into the panel above it. I'm not an artist, I'm only going to fix it if it's egregious or I can get away with not destroying the art.
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    Oishinbo - Vol. 15 Ch. 133 - Ultimate VS Supreme (Part 2)

    That was where I thought it was going, too.
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    Oishinbo - Vol. 15 Ch. 133 - Ultimate VS Supreme (Part 2)

    Not particularly. It’s not that common around where I grew up in small town southwestern Pennsylvania, so I never developed any taste for it… Sometimes I’ll like it if it’s spicy enough, but generally, I’m not a soup/broth guy, and I tend to be a pretty picky eater. For example, I couldn’t ever...
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    Oishinbo - Vol. 15 Ch. 133 - Ultimate VS Supreme (Part 2)

    First off, apologies for a couple of the panels being screwed up by the machine going haywire with the ellipses. I can't fix it without making it worse. It'll look better when Mugiwara does his TL of this chapter. Second, I gotta say, just my own personal taste, I'm not the biggest fan of miso...
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    Oishinbo - Vol. 15 Ch. 132 - Ultimate VS Supreme (Part 1)

    Yeah, y'know, when I stumbled upon the anime a couple of years ago (which is what inspired me to find the manga and start doing the TL when I found out that nobody had translated the whole thing), I just assumed that the menu was printed in installments. Even as I've been reading the manga, I...
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    Oishinbo - Vol. 15 Ch. 132 - Ultimate VS Supreme (Part 1)

    In total? No. But most of the time.
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    Oishinbo - Vol. 15 Ch. 132 - Ultimate VS Supreme (Part 1)

    So, here it is, the beginning of one of the longest arcs in the entire story.