The manga follows the LN, it's basically a 1:1 at this point, i think volume 3 part 2
Why did the Author have to have the LN named horribly, should of just made it volume 4, then current raw LN volume 10 instead of 8.
no, just providing context from a light novel perspective for any other readers of this thread, since LN translations has advanced to such a degree where in universe prices are discussed.
This arc of the manga is on volume 5, we're on volume 9 English licensed.
(now we have the foresight of...
The English LN is a way better read than the manga/WN, the web novel is a really rough draft, Ryuto (Author) retcon's and retools plot points starting around Tournament arc.
I think in the context of the "story/universe" the spaceship pricing is based on what mercenaries can afford.
The LN does touch on lightly about space ship prices and manufacturing over the course of the story, Hiro has said the cheapest space ship a mercenary can buy is a Zubaton which is 500k +/- (exact prices were never given) ener, specced out is 2 million minus insurance.
Mei cost him 470k ener...